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Upland Tropical Rainforest Exhibit

This exhibit of birds, fish, and turtles is located at the top of the Pier 3 Pavilion.

Upland Tropical Rainforest Exhibit
geomorph, 6 Aug 2009
    • geomorph
      This exhibit of birds, fish, and turtles is located at the top of the Pier 3 Pavilion.
    • Ituri
      Is this meant to represent a specific geographic area, or just a generic rainforest habitat?
    • NAIB Volunteer
      This exhibit is representative of the Amazon Rainforest, specifically Northern Brasil and Southern Venezuela
    • Zebraduiker
      Are there any mammals in the Rainforest Exhibit ? They have kept sloths in it, but not at the time, I've visited the Aquarium in June 2009.
    • NAIB Volunteer
      They may have been off exhibit for meidcal check ups, but we have had sloths since 1981. Three sloths were put on exhibit in 2007 to replace the older female sloth who was their since 1981. One was actually born in 2008.
      There are also two golden lion tamarins on exhibit as well.
    • mstickmanp
      Do you have a list of species for this exhibit?
    • NAIB Volunteer
      Mammals: two toed sloth (4)
      golden lion tamarin (2)
      Birds: blue crowned motmot
      white tailed trogon
      scarlet ibis
      screaming piha
      yellow headed Amazonian parrot
      blue gray tanager
      paradise tanager
      sun conure
      Reptiles: tortoise
      Amphibians: smoky jungle frog

      Their are many other bird species in this exhibit which I can't remember off the top of my head. I'll get the rest for you soon.
    • avian83

      I used to be an Aviculture Assistant (volunteer) in the Rainforest and still cover occasional shifts when time allows.

      The birds in the exhibit are as follows:

      Scarlet Ibis
      Sun Conure
      Blue-headed Pionus
      Yellow-headed Amazon
      White-tailed Trogon (NAIB is the most successful breeder of this species and most others in the USA originated from our stock)
      Blue-crowned Motmot
      Screaming Piha
      Brazilian Tanager
      Scarlet-rumped Tanager
      Blue-gray Tanager
      Turquoise Tanager
      Green & Gold Tanager (bred at NAIB in recent years)
      Paradise Tanager
      Bay-headed Tanager
      Red-capped Cardinal (bred recently as well)
      Yellow Grosbeak

      In the past (since 1994), there were also:

      Pale-vented Pigeon
      Hawk-headed Parrot
      Black-spotted Barbet
      Green Aracari
      Spangled Cotinga
      Silver-beaked Tanager
      Blue & Yellow Tanager
      Burnished-buff Tanager
      Green Honeycreeper
      Swallow Tanager
      Saffron Finch
      Yellow-hooded Blackbird

      On the floor beneath the Rainforest is the Amazon River Forest, a long glass-fronted exhibit where the water comes to about eye level. There used to be birds in there around 2000/2001 but all were removed:

      Golden-headed Manakin
      Violaceous Euphonia
      Paradise Tanager
      Opal-rumped Tanager
      Black-faced Dacnis
      Purple Honeycreeper
      Red-legged Honeycreeper

      Currently the Aquarium is working on pairing up/re-structuring groups of existing species and may get some new ones in the future. The motmot is my favorite!
    • geomorph
      avian83, thank you for the complete update!
    • NAIB Volunteer
      A motmot has begun to dig tunnels in the ground of the rainforest exhibit. They use these for nesting, but not for sleeping. Motmots are a very unique species to have in captivity.
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    National Aquarium in Baltimore
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    6 Aug 2009
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