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Etosha house - mixed enclosure

This exhibit features a large colony of sociable weavers, lovebirds, rock hyrax and cape ground squirrel. This is by far my favourite enclosure in the zoo and one of the best zoo exhibits I have ever seen.

Etosha house - mixed enclosure
lintworm, 23 Sep 2014
antonmuster and mstickmanp like this.
    • lintworm
      This exhibit features a large colony of sociable weavers, lovebirds, rock hyrax and cape ground squirrel.

      This is by far my favourite enclosure in the zoo and one of the best zoo exhibits I have ever seen.
    • Malayan Tiger
      Wow that's a nice building but if it only had more light....
    • lintworm
      It has more than enough light, but the visitor path is made relatively dark, so the birds do not go there, because there is nothing than that low glass wall that separates the enclosure from the visitors.
    • Malayan Tiger
      I know it has enough light, but it just doesn't look like the Etosha Plain to me....deserts tend to be sunny
    • TeaLovingDave
      Not necessarily ;) Antarctica is not known for being a sunbathing hotspot, and nor is the Arctic.
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    23 Sep 2014
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