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adrian1963, 4 Feb 2010
    • adrian1963
      checkout where the Chimpanzees are
    • fire&ice
      I see they had Wolves back then, id love it if they did now :(
    • adrian1963
      Maybe one day soon Fire&ice
    • Brum
      It took me a while but I located them! I always wondered if anything else was kept on the bear ravine and it turns out that there were chimps in an extremely small enclosure. That must've been a disturbing sight, even in those days.
      Adrian1963 have you any idea how long i searched the map for? I was looking at the larger enclosures! :p
    • adrian1963
      @ Brum it also took me ages to find them and I agree about the chimps enclosure.
      I have actually seen the place where they were kept and I can tell you it is very disturbing to see.
    • Pertinax
      In my many visits to Dudley in the past I was never aware of the Chimpanzees being kept there. A photo of the enclosure or the remains of it would be very interesting but I guess it would have to be long distance as its an unsafe area these days.

      The 1960's (current Orangutans) Ape House must be on the site of part of (either) one or both of the Zebra and Deer paddocks. Presumably these paddocks(or one of them) was shortened to make space for it. I can remember when the enclosures on each side still held Zebra(Grants) and Deer(Axis). Also the Bison(about five) in the paddock around /under the Bird House- what I believe is now the Asian Lion area?

      By the 1960's, one of the Fox/Dingo enclosures held a pair of Spotted Hyaena. The other side could have held Peccaries(?) The area between the Cafe near the entrance and that enclosure was filled in by a small Fairground, but at the further end there was also a raised wooden-floored and barred cage containing 1.3 Mandrills. The Mandrills later moved to a large green metal cage along the terrace path somewhere near the Barbary Sheep(?) enclosure. Don't know if its still there but no Mandrills at Dudley nowadays.
    • adrian1963
      Today the Deer enclure ishome to both the Orang-utan House and the African Wild Dog enclosures while the Zebra and Antelope Paddock is home to both the Riendeer and the Peccaries enclosures, The old Wolf enclosure is home to the Farm yard, Monkey Tails and the Chimpanzee House (not the paddock/outdoor enclosure).

      EDIT - have attached a map from the website so people can see the difference in the 2 please note that the Avairy just past the Squirrels does not have birds in it is a second Squirrel enclosure and a bit further down that path is a enclosure with Gaint Rabbits in
    • Pertinax
      The green rectangular cage I am thinking of where the Mandrills were moved to is probably 'below' the Monkey House- down some steps? Is it still there and what's in it nowadays if it is?

      The 'Deer' enclosure(the part not used up by the ApeHouse, that is,) later housed the Lions for quite a while but I expect you would have seen them in there.
    • adrian1963
      @Pertinax Yes it did contain the Lions until;l 2009 when they moved to the Bison Paddock just below the Old Tropical House .
      The Cage you are on about as now been refurbished and had the front part removed at present it now houses the Yellow Mongoose but in the past as also housed the Snow Leopards not sure if this was before the Mandrills or after.

      Edit - Attached 2 photographs as the Old Mandrill enclosure stands today Only the back of the enclosure is from the Mandrill days hope these help
    • Pertinax
      Yep,that's the place- the shape and location is familiar though apart from that its unrecognizeable from what it was- it used to be a concrete-floored green mesh cage structure... my guess is the Mandrills were before the SnowLeopards.
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