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Columbus Zoo and Aquarium Full Species List by Exhibit at the Columbus Zoo

Discussion in 'United States' started by Moebelle, 5 Feb 2012.

  1. Moebelle

    Moebelle Well-Known Member 10+ year member

    15 Jun 2011
    Cincinnati, Ohio
    I will later put the number of species at the zoo at the end of each animal , but now I am working on another thread that might take me a few days to finish. Correct me if I'm wrong. The list of animals is an attempt put in order of how they are exhibited at the zoo or how I saw it.

    North America

    Trumpeter Swan
    Mexican Wolf
    American Bison
    Black-tailed Prairie Dog
    Angora Goat
    Barbados Blackbelly Sheep
    Domestic Chicken
    Jacob's Four-horned Sheep
    Karakul Sheep
    La Mancha Goat
    Nigerian Dwarf Goat
    Sudanese Nubian Goat
    West African Pygmy Goat
    Black-tailed Prairie Dog
    Timber Wolf
    American Black Bear
    Grizzly Bear
    American Coot
    American Goldfinch
    American Robin
    Bobwhite Quail
    Brown-headed Cowbird
    Cedar Waxing
    Eastern Bluebird
    Eastern Meadowlark
    Evening Grosbeak
    Fox Sparrow
    Harris Sparrow
    Indigo Bunting
    Killdeer Plover
    Mourning Dove
    North American Ruddy Duck
    Northern Cardinal
    Palm Warbler
    Rose-breasted Grosbeak
    Rufous-sided Towhee
    Slate-colored Junco
    Swainson's Thrush
    Red-winged Blackbird
    Redhead Duck
    Tennessee Warbler
    Tufted Titmouse
    Song Sparrow
    Yellow Rail
    Yellow-rumped Warbler
    White-throated Sparrow
    Wilson's Warbler
    Painted Turtle
    Northern Bald Eagle
    Black Crappie
    Blunt Nosed Minnow
    Central Stoneroller
    Common Shiner
    Golden Redhorse Sucker
    Golden Shiner
    Lake Chubsucker
    Longeared Sunfish
    Orange Spotted Sunfish
    Rainbow Trout
    Striped Shiner
    Rosyside Dace
    North American River Otter

    Polar Frontier
    Arctic Fox
    Alaskan Brown Bear-2
    Polar Bear

    Asia Quest

    Red-crowned Crane
    White-naped Crane
    Tufted Deer
    Chinese Muntjac
    Silvered Leaf Monkey
    Water Monitor
    Reticulated Python
    Golden Mantel Flying Fox
    Large Flying Fox
    Silvered Leaf Monkey
    Malayan Sun Bear
    Asian Elephant
    Eastern Black Rhinoceros
    Red Panda
    Golden Pheasant
    Himalayan Impeyan Pheasant
    Ringneck Pheasant
    Swinhoe's Pheasant
    Reeve's Pheasant
    Turkmenian Markhor
    Pallas' Cat
    Amur Tiger
    African Lion


    Caribbean Flamingo Flamingo
    American Alligator
    Humboldt Penguin
    Aldabra Tortoise

    Reptile House
    Indian Star Tortoise
    Leopard Gecko
    Standing's Day Gecko
    New Caledonia Giant Gecko
    Gila Monster
    Spiny-tailed Iguana
    Grand Cayman Iguana
    Goliath Birdeater Tarantula
    Panamanian Golden Frog
    San Esteban Island Chuckwalla
    Prehensile-tailed Skink
    Dumeril's Ground Boa
    Madagascar Tree Boa
    Macklot's Python
    Savu Island Python
    Scrub Python
    Green Tree Python
    Blood Python
    Burmese Rock Python
    Black Ratsnake
    Radiated Ratsnake
    False Water Cobra
    Madagascar Giant Hognose Snake
    Black Pine Snake
    Louisiana Pine Snake
    King Cobra
    Northern Copperhead
    Eyelash Palm Pitviper
    Eastern Diamond Back Rattlesnake
    Aruba Island Rattlesnake
    Timber Rattlesnake
    Canebrake Rattlesnake
    Eastern Massasauga
    McCord's Snake-necked Turtle
    Siebenrock's Snake-necked Turtle
    Saw-shelled Snapping Turtle
    Spot-bellied Side-necked Turtle
    Yellow-spotted Amazon River Turtle
    Fly River Turtle
    Alligator Snapping Turtle
    Annam Leaf Turtle
    Stripe-necked Leaf Turtle
    Black-breasted Leaf Turtle
    Barbour's Map Turtle
    Yellow-blotched Map Turtle
    Delta Black-nobbed Map Turtle
    Eastern Box Turtle
    Hispaniolan Slider
    Meso-american Slider
    African Pancake Tortoise

    Manatee Coast
    West Indian Manatee
    Hawksbill Turtle
    Southern Red Stingray
    Cownose Ray
    Sailfin Molly
    Bluestripe Grunt
    Western Atlantic Seabream
    Queen Angelfish
    French Angelfish
    White Mullet
    Sergeant Major
    Atlantic Spadefish
    Ring-necked Duck
    Hooded Mergansers
    Wood Duck
    Pin Tail Duck

    Discovery Reef
    Cayenne Keyhole Limpet
    Puppet Margarite
    Lightfoot Snail
    Channeled Turban Snail
    Middle-spined Cerith
    White-booted Cleaner Shrimp
    Redlined Cleaner Shrimp
    Red Reef Hermit Crab
    Common Blunt-armed Sea Star
    Pacific Longspined Black Sea Urchin
    Green Pincushion Urchin
    Black Boring Sea Urchin
    Burrowing Sea Cucumber
    Whitespotted Bamboo Shark
    Epaulette Shark
    Zebra Shark
    Bonnethead Shark
    Blacktip Shark
    Southern Red Stingray
    Splendid Garden Eel
    Spotted Garden Eel
    Sabre Squirrelfish
    Potbelly Seahorse
    Orange Fairy Basslet
    Vermillion Grouper
    Marine Betta
    Pajama Cardinalfish
    Banggai Cardinalfish
    Golden Travally
    Spottail Threadfin Snapper
    Diamond Fish
    African Silverfish
    Pakistani Butterflyfish
    Sunburst Butterflyfish
    Raccoon Butterflyfish
    Lemon Butterflyfish
    Golden Butterflyfish
    Pearlscale Butterflyfish
    Copperband Butterflyfish
    Pyramid Butterflyfish
    Black Pyramid Butterflyfish
    Pennant Butterflyfish
    Featherfin Butterflyfish
    Saddleback Butterflyfish
    Sickle Butterflyfish
    Latticed Butterflyfish
    Doublesaddle Butterflyfish
    Vagabond Butterflyfish
    Yellowtail Angelfish
    Flame Angelfish
    Blue Ring Angelfish
    Arabian Angelfish
    Emperor Angelfish
    Yellowbanded Angelfish
    Blue Koran Angelfish
    Flame Hawkfish
    Staghorn damselfish
    Tomato Clownfish
    Ocellated Clownfish
    Pink Skunk Clownfish
    Black Axil Chromis
    Bluegreen Chromis
    Sapphire Damselfish
    Whitetailed Damselfish
    Domino Damselfish
    Black-and Gold Damselfish
    McCosker's Flashlight Wrasse
    Sixline Wrasse
    Moon Wrasse
    Old Glory Goby
    Yellow Prawn Goby
    Filamentfinned Prawn Goby
    Purple Cap Firefish
    Yellowheaded Firefish
    Orbiculate Batfish
    Bluespotted Spinefoot
    Achilles Tang
    Blue Tang Surgeon
    Powderblue Surgeon
    Clown Surgeon
    Whitecheek Surgeon
    Olive Surgeon
    Red Sea Clown Surgeon
    Convict Surgeon
    Yellowfin Surgeon
    Whitemargin Tang
    Smoothhead Unicornfish
    Bignose Unicorn Tang
    Yellow Tang
    Sailfin Tang
    Purple Tang
    Clown Triggerfish
    Freckled Porcupinefish

    African Forest

    Angolan Colobus
    African Grey Parrot
    African Golden Oriole
    Black Crake
    Blue-throated Carmine Bee-eater
    Buff-crested Bustard
    Cattle Egret
    East African Crowned Crane
    Emerald Starling
    Hottentot Teal
    Racquet-tailed Roller
    Sacred Ibis
    Speckled Pigeon
    Violet-backed Starling
    West African Crowned Crane
    White-vented Bulbul
    White-crowned Robin Chat
    African Leopard
    Western Lowland Gorilla
    Red River Hog
    Black Duiker

    Voyage to Australia and the Islands

    White-handed Gibbon
    Sumatran Orangutan
    Asian small-clawed Otter
    Black Swan
    Sulphur-Crested Cockatoo
    Komodo Dragon
    Short-Beaked Echidna
    Queensland Koala(indoor and outdoor)

    Lorikeet Garden
    Rainbow Lorikeet

    Kangaroo Walk-about
    Red Kangaroo
    Eastern Grey Kangaroo

    Bob and Evelyn's Roadhouse
    Prevost's Squirrel
    North Island Brown Kiwi
    Fishing Cat
    Matschie's Tree-Kangaroo
    Tiger Quoll
    Feathertail Glider
    Lesser Short-Nosed Fruit Bat
    Indian Crested Porcupine
    Laughing Kookaburra
    Straw-necked Ibis
    Magpie Goose
    Indian Whistling Duck
    Malayan Crestless Fireback
    Crested Wood Partridge
    Masked Lapwing
    Nicobar Pigeon
    Bleeding Heart Pigeon
    Victoria Crowned Pigeon
    Jambu Fruit Dove
    Goldie's Lorikeet
    Eastern Rosella
    Hooded Pitta
    Fairy Bluebird
    Blue-faced Honeyeater
    Metallic Starling
    Bali Mynah
    Grosbeak Starling
    Golden Pheasant
    Mariana Fruit Dove
    Javan Pond Heron
    Pied-Imperial Pigeon
    White-Throated Ground Dove
    ZooNerd1234 likes this.
  2. DavidBrown

    DavidBrown Well-Known Member 15+ year member

    12 Aug 2008
    California, USA
    @Mobelle: Thanks for taking the time to make the list. It really gives a flavor for what the Columbus Zoo is like.

    A few questions:
    1. Do you know why they have black rhino and African lions in Asia Quest? Are they there temporarily while they build an Africa section?

    2. What is Discovery Reef? Is it an entire aquarium or one big tank that is adjacent to the manatees?

    3. I've read that the Columbus gorilla exhibit is basically a big wire frame cage which has a very active social group of gorillas. What do you think of their cage environment compared to something more naturalistic like Cincy or Congo Gorilla Forest?

    Ohio seems like a state with several good and interesting zoos to visit (Cincy, Columbus, Toledo, The Wilds).
  3. Moebelle

    Moebelle Well-Known Member 10+ year member

    15 Jun 2011
    Cincinnati, Ohio
    1. Asia Quest was a predator and prey area. Before it was renovated the Pachyderm building held hippos, tapirs, African and Asian elephants, and of course the black rhino Also the rhino exhibit seems to be put out of the Asia region and put the elephants in it.

    2. Discovery Reef is a small, separate aquarium next to Manatee Coast.

    3. I am kind of off and on about the gorilla exhibit. a. It kind of looks ugly and something from the late 1800's. b. Although I hear that the apes really enjoy the enclosure. c. It gives the apes a wonderful chance to move around the whole exhibit without coming close to the ground. d. There are no trees or even bushes, just grass, which doesn't give them a whole lot of climbing space. and e. I think it needs to be more naturalistic, gorillas especially need to feel more at home.

    You are very welcome. I enjoyed making the list and realizing how much more the zoo has to offer. Good thing I have a decent eidetic memory. :D
    Last edited: 5 Feb 2012
  4. yangz

    yangz Well-Known Member 15+ year member

    20 May 2008
    wichita, kansas, usa
    They don't have the drills anymore in the African Forest?
  5. team tapir

    team tapir Well-Known Member

    29 Jun 2010
    cleveland oh usa
    No the Columbus Zoo now exhibits mandrills in the African Forest instead.Atlanta,San Diego,New Orleans and Detroit are the only US zoos that house drills.
  6. team tapir

    team tapir Well-Known Member

    29 Jun 2010
    cleveland oh usa
    We have not seen a pallas cat on display here in C-Bus in quite some time are they still at the zoo?

    Team Tapir
  7. PREMiERdrum

    PREMiERdrum Well-Known Member

    31 Dec 2009
    Columbus, Ohio, USA
    I'm fairly certain we saw one on our first trip to Wildlights, perhaps the week of Thanksgiving?
  8. TropicWorld54

    TropicWorld54 Well-Known Member

    6 May 2012
    They also have two cheetahs off exhibit that they bring on stage with anatolian shepards at the show by the entrance to the water park area.
  9. jusko88

    jusko88 Well-Known Member

    13 Dec 2011
    Where the 3 Rivers Flow
    I went august 2011 & october 2011 and never saw the pallas cat either. people said it was in log but i couldnt see anything im wondering if the zoo is going to put another species in there? you know what i wish they would do is somehow make that exhibit bigger,longer and wider and put the snow leopard in there!!!! right next to the predators prey cause markhor is what they hunt in the wild.

    What other animals do they have in the show?
  10. TropicWorld54

    TropicWorld54 Well-Known Member

    6 May 2012
    There are a couple of different shows but i only have seen one and it was about how the raised the cheetahs and the dogs together. when i went in june 2011 i saw the pallas cats, but not the orangutans.
  11. Moebelle

    Moebelle Well-Known Member 10+ year member

    15 Jun 2011
    Cincinnati, Ohio
    Updated Species List!

    North America
    1. Trumpeter Swan
    2. Mexican Wolf
    3. American Bison, Pronghorn
    4. Pony
    5. Angora Goat
    6. Blackbelly Sheep
    7. Domestic Chicken
    8. Nigerian Dwarf Goat
    9. Black-tailed Prairie Dog
    10. Alaskan Moose, Eastern Moose
    11. Timber Wolf
    12. North American River Otter
    13. Cougar
    14. Caribou
    15. Grizzly Bear
    16. Bobcat
    17. Wolverine
    18. Migratory Songbird Aviary: House Wren, Northern Bobwhite, Cedar Waxing, Brown-headed Cowbird, Eastern Bluebird, Yellow-rumped Warbler, Northern Cardinal, Eastern Meadowlark, Swaison's Thrush, Harris' Sparrow, Sora, Palm Warbler, Yellow Rail, Eastern Towhee, Gray Catbird, Tennessee Warbler, Chipping Sparrow, Dark-eyed Junco, Evening Grosbeak, Ruddy Duck, Redhead Duck, Song Sparrow, Killdeer, Wilson's Warbler, American Robin, Baltimore Oriole, Indigo Bunting, Tufted Titmouse, American Coot, Fox Sparrow, Ovenbird, White-throated Sparrow, Mounring Dove, Carolina Chickadee
    19. Bald Eagle
    20. American Beaver
    21. Kettle Lake: Least Darter, Central Mudminnow, Iowa Darter, Golden Shiner, Blackstripe Topminnow, Lake Chubsucker
    22. Lake Eire Marsh: Warmouth Sunfish, Yellow Perch, Spotted Sucker, Pumpkinseed Sunfish, Golden Shiner
    23. Paint Creek: Blackstripe Topminnow, Longear Sunfish, Spotfin Shiner, Dusky Darter, Redbelly Dace, Logperch Darter

    Polar Frontier
    1. Polar Bear
    2. Alaskan Brown Bear
    3. Arctic Fox

    Heart of Africa
    1. African Lion
    2. Watering Hole: (rotational exhibit) Aardvark, Lesser Flamingo, Common Warthog
    3. Cheetah, Labrador Retriever
    4. Vervet Monkey
    5. Savanna: Reticulated Giraffe, Grant's Zebra, Greater Kudu, Saddle-billed Stork, Thomson's Gazelle, Common Wildebeest, Dama Gazelle, Slender-horned Gazelle, Common Ostrich, East African Crowned Crane

    Asia Quest
    1. Tufted Deer, Red-crowned Crane
    2. Reeve's Muntjac, White-naped Crane
    3. Silvered Langur
    4. Water Monitor
    5. Reticulated Python
    6. Golden-mantled Flying Fox, Large Flying Fox
    7. Silvered Langur (Indoor)
    8. Asian Elephant
    9. Black Rhino (Indoor Viewing Only)
    10. Amur Leopard
    11. Sun Bear
    12. Red Panda
    13. Pheasant Aviary: Northern Shoveler, Golden Pheasant, Ring-necked Pheasant, Reeve's Muntjac, Western Cattle Egret, Azure-winged Magpie, Mountain Bamboo Partridge, Black-throated Laughing Thrush, Derbyan Parakeet
    14. Markhor
    15. Pallas' Cat
    16. Amur Tiger

    Expedition Congo: African Forest
    1. Black-and-white Colobus
    2. African Grey Parrot
    3. African Forest Aviary: Hottentot Teal, African Golden Oriole, Blue-billed Roller, Emerald Starling, Cattle Egret, Common Bulbul, Buff-crested Bustard, Racquet-tailed Roller, Sacred Ibis, Violet-backed Starling, Speckled Pigeon, West African Crowned Crane, White-crowned Robin-Chat, African Black Crake, Helmeted Guineafowl
    4. African Leopard
    5. Western Lowland Gorilla
    6. Gorilla (Indoor)
    7. Bonobo
    8. Red River Hog
    9. Mandrill
    10. Okapi
    11. Black Duiker

    1. Caribbean Flamingo
    2. American Alligator
    3. Reptile Building (List Below)
    3. Humboldt Penguin
    4. Aldabra Tortoise
    5. Discovery Reef (List Below)
    6. Manatee Coast (List Below)

    Reptile Building
    1. Eyelash Viper
    2. Axolotl
    3. Everglades Rat Snake
    4. San Estaban Chuckwalla
    5. Honduran Milk Snake
    6. Standing Day Gecko
    7. Yellow-blotched Map Turtle
    8. Hellbender
    9. Fly River Turtle
    10. Black-knobbed Map Turtle
    11. Rotl Island Snake-necked Turtle
    12. Barbour's Map Turtle
    13. Green Tree Python
    14. Leach's Giant Gecko
    15. Chinese Crocodile Lizard
    16. Scrub Python
    17. Dumeril's Ground Boa
    18. Mexican Beaded Lizard
    19. African Pancake Tortoise
    20. Gila Monster
    21. Grand Cayman Blue Iguana
    22. Southern Pacific Rattlesnake
    23. Spiny-tailed Iguana
    24. Panamanian Golden Frog
    25. Savu Python
    26. Burmese Python
    27. Spotted-bellied Side-necked Turtle, Yellow Spotted River Turtle
    28. Alligator Snapping Turtle
    29. Siebenrock's Snake-necked Turtle, Malaysian Giant Turtle, Serrated Snapping Turtle, Annam Pond Turtle
    30. Spotted-bellied Sidenecked Turtle
    31. Macklot's Python
    32. Coahuilan Box Turtle
    33. Carpet Python
    34. Prehensile-tailed Skink
    35. Blood Python
    36. Asian Leaf Turtle, Radiated Rat Snake
    37. Black Rat Snake
    38. Eastern Plains Garter Snake, Eastern Massasauga Rattlesnake
    39. Louisiana Pine Snake
    40. Indian Star Tortoise
    41. Eastern Diamondback Rattlesnake

    Discovery Reef
    1. Banggai Cardinalfish, Pajama Cardinalfish, Green Chromis, Raccoon Butterflyfish
    2. Green Chromis, Tomato Clownfish, Banggai Cardinalfish, Pajama Cardinalfish, Orange Fairy Basslet, Purple Cap Firefish
    3. Pot-bellied Seahorse
    4. Chocolate Sea Star, Whelk
    5. Orange Fairy Basslet, French Angelfish, Flame Angelfish, Sapphire Devil
    6. Scribbled Angelfish, Bluering Angelfish, Pacific Double-Saddle Butterflyfish, Raccoon Butterflyfish, Pyramid Butterflyfish, Black Pyramid Butterflyfish, Powderblue Surgeon, White-cheek Surgeonfish, Convict Surgeonfish, Yellowtail Tang, Sailfin Tang, Bird Wrasse, Semicricle Angelfish, Obicular Angelfish, Longfin Batfish, Spotted Scat, Orange Unicornfish, Pennant Coralfish, Clown Triggerfish, Palette Surgeonfish, Whitetail Damselfish, Bluecheek Butterflyfish, Yellow Brown Wrasse, Bonnethead Shark, Eqaulette Shark, Harlequin Tushfish, Moon Wrasse, Moonfish, Pinktail Triggerfish, Silver Moony, Copperhead Butterflyfish, Green Sea Turtle, Southern Stingray, Longspine Butterflyfish, Sailfin Tang, Emperor Angelfish, Yellow Tang, Fire Anemonefish, Flame Hawkfish, Redtail Butterflyfish, Sunburst Butterflyfish, Pajama Cardinalfish, Sea Goldie, Threadfin Butterflyfish, Sapphire Devil, Blue Chromis, Ornamented Wrasse, Achillies Tang, Vagabond Butterflyfish, Saddle Butterflyfish, Pearlsclae Butterflyfish, Fourspot Butterflyfish, Lemonpeel Angelfish, Keyhole Angelfish

    Manatee Coast
    1. Florida Manatee, Southern Stingray, Cownose Ray, Brown Pelican, Hawsbill Sea Turtle, Northern Pintail, Bufflehead Duck, Canvasback Duck, Hooded Merganser, Cownose Ray, Wood Duck, Ring-necked Turtle, Lookdown, Porkfish, Atlantic Spadefish, Bluestripe Grunt, Pompano

    Australia and the Islands
    1. Siamang, White-handed Gibbon
    2. Bornean Orangutan, Sumatran Orangutan
    3. Asian-smalled Clawed Otter
    4. Black Swan, Sulphur-crested Cockatoo, Galah
    5. Komodo Dragon
    6. Koala, Brush-tailed Buttong
    7. Koala (Outdoor)
    7. Kangaroo Walk-About: Red Kangaroo, Eastern Grey Kangaroo
    8. Lorikeet Garden: Blue Mountain Lorikeet, Black Lory, Ornate Lorikeet, Yellow-streaked Lory, Black-streaked Lory
    8. Roahouse (List Below)

    1. Blue-tounged Skink
    2. Giant Prickly Walking Stick
    3. Jungle Nymph
    4. Prevost's Squirrel, Brush-tailed Buttong
    5. Children's Python
    6. Brown Kiwi
    7. Bearcat
    8. Tawny Frogmouth
    9. Matschie's Tree Kangaroo
    10. Crocodile Skink
    11. Indian Crested Porcupine, Pygmy Slow Lorius
    12. Feathertail Glider
    13. Roadhouse Aviary: Masked Lapwing, Hooded Pita, Nicobar Pigeon, Marian Fruit Dove, Crested Partridge, Grosbeak Starling, Victoria Crowned Pigeon, Metallic Starling, Goldies Lorikeet, Eastern Rosella, Straw-necked Ibis, Lesser Whistling Duck, Red-bellied Leiothrix, White-throated Ground Dove, Golden Pheasant, Bali Mynah, Jambu Fruit Dove, Black-naped Fruit Dove, Luzon Bleeding Heart, Pied Imperial Pigeon, Javan Pond Heron, Magpie Goose, Laughing Kookaburra (separate)

    Stingray Bay
    1. Cownose Ray, Southern Stingray
    Last edited: 19 Jun 2014
  12. Kudu21

    Kudu21 Well-Known Member 10+ year member

    10 Jan 2010
    -There is a single eastern moose cow mixed in with the Alaskans.

    -I do believe that you mean Grant's zebra and not Grant's gazelle. Also, you forgot the Masai giraffes.

    -Are you sure that they are sugar gliders? They used to be feather-tailed gliders... That, of course, could've changed. I was just wondering.
  13. Moebelle

    Moebelle Well-Known Member 10+ year member

    15 Jun 2011
    Cincinnati, Ohio
    I will go back and look at the signage for the gliders, and thanks for the heads up on the moose and zebra thing.
  14. Moebelle

    Moebelle Well-Known Member 10+ year member

    15 Jun 2011
    Cincinnati, Ohio
    I went back and checked and they are in fact feather-tails.
  15. Bib Fortuna

    Bib Fortuna Well-Known Member

    18 Dec 2010
    What species do the zoo has currently in the Nocturnal House, and what happend to the Tiger Quolls ?
  16. jibster

    jibster Well-Known Member

    28 Apr 2015
    Columbus, Ohio, USA
    I believe the Tiger Quolls died; the species has not been exhibited in several years (and is, I believe, absent from North American collections entirely).

    The current line-up for the nocturnal section of the Road House is:

    Northern Brown Kiwi/Tawny Frogmouth
    Southern Hairy-nosed Wombat
    Tawny Frogmouth/Brush-tailed Bettong
    Matschie's Tree Kangaroo
    Pygmy Slow Loris/Indian Porcupine
    Feathertail Glider

    There are also several terraria with smaller species of reptile and arachnid; I don't recall the exact species maintained at present (and there has been some turnover).
  17. Bib Fortuna

    Bib Fortuna Well-Known Member

    18 Dec 2010
    Thank you Jibster for that information!
  18. AbileneBoy

    AbileneBoy Well-Known Member

    7 Aug 2019

    a few queries////

    I can't find any species called black-streaked lory, did you perhaps mean blue-streaked?

    Also, on "Alaskan brown bear", does anyone know what type these are? the peninsular "gyas" race or the Kodiak island type?
  19. RSMormis

    RSMormis New Member

    29 Aug 2021
    Columbus, Ohio