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Asian Forest Sanctuary - Rotation Exhibit

June 5th, 2010.

Asian Forest Sanctuary - Rotation Exhibit
snowleopard, 7 Jun 2010
    • snowleopard
      June 5th, 2010.
    • snowleopard
      There is actually a Sumatran tiger visible in this lush, gorgeous exhibit, just to the left of the centrepoint of the photo. I've now visited the Point Defiance Zoo & Aquarium on 6 occasions and on 5 out of 6 visits there have been tigers in this "rotation exhibit". The other enclosures in the Asian section of the zoo are always mixed up and I never know whether I'll see a gibbon, otter, porcupine, anoa or tapir in a particular exhibit (or combinations of animals), but here there are almost always tigers. On my very first visit to the zoo there were lowland anoas in here, but since then it has been tigers all the way.
    • reduakari
      Well, that explains why this exhibit is "lush and gorgeous" as opposed to the beaten-down, barren look of the other rotational exhibits in this complex. Large grazing animals and vegetation-destroying primates would have reduced this exhibit to a vestigial lawn too had they been given frequent access (although gibbons could not be contained by the open-topped fencing here, so have never been part of the equation in this particular exhibit).
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    Point Defiance Zoo & Aquarium
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    7 Jun 2010
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