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African Elephant

African Elephant
Kudu21, 16 Jan 2011
    • Kudu21
      The Asian Elephant had just gone back inside the barn... I think I have a picture of them together or at least of the Asian.... I will have to try and find them.
    • Dallaspachyderm
      Do you think she will calve again? After her son died...
    • Kudu21
      If she does I hope it's some where else or in a new exhibit. I'd like to see the elephants leave Louisville for a while. At least until they build a new exhibit and pick one of the species and stick with them. The African could go to say Indianapolis or Cleveland and the Asian could go to say Columbus. Then of course I do not the financial circumstances of the zoo or or the circumstances of the elephants themselves. Louisville has so much room that it could use, but many of the exhibits are not up to par. They also have such a rare collection!
    • DavidBrown
      Has Louisville Zoo made any announcements about whether they are planning on building a new elephant exhibit or ending their elephant program?
    • team tapir
      We were just at the Louisville Zoo and wonder about this each time we visit.However being Father's Day there were no volunteers working and not a huge staff at the zoo so we were unable to spark up a conversation about it.This exhibit is horrible,the only exhibits within the Savannah area that are even decent are Lions,Warthogs and Bongos.We have often stated that revamping this entire area would really make Louisville a great Zoo.

      Team Tapir
    • gorgeousingray
      The zoo probably should be thinking about sending their African elephant to another facility capable of breeding if they aren't going to AI her... Considering she's one of the thirty breeding age female elephants in the AZA. Or they could AI her, and construct a new enclosure, bring in additional animals of the same species, and send their Asian cow to a facility such as the National Zoo which is lacking in female elephants.
    • team tapir
      Either keep the African and build a new exhibit or just move them both and focus on other savannah animals.We think that Louisville (like Detroit) would do just fine without elephants.Just so long as they improved other savannah areas.

      Team Tapir
    • TropicWorld54
      Brookfield Zoo has done fine without elephants (I have not missed them at least).
    • gorgeousingray
      I'm sure you'll appreciate them when they return in several years :D
    • team tapir
      Don't get us wrong we love elephants but displaying them is just not for everyone anymore and zoos need to think hard about what to do in regards to exhibiting them.It certainly would be great and Louisville indeed as the space to do it.It should be interesting what they ultimately decide to do.

      Team Tapir
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