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Lolita the Orca - Miami Seaquarium

The Miami Seaquarium has had Orcas since 1968. Lolita arrived in 1970.

Lolita the Orca - Miami Seaquarium
okapikpr, 22 Mar 2008
    • okapikpr
      The Miami Seaquarium has had Orcas since 1968. Lolita arrived in 1970.
    • Zebraduiker
      And is alone since then ? Wow, great stuff. And the pool is huge.. Dolphins are no really compaignons for an orca whale, so they didn't count.
    • snowleopard
      I've barely heard of any good stories about the Miami Seaquarium, and yet surprisingly attendance is consistent down there in Florida.
    • okapikpr
      For a major city with a major ocean port, the Miami Seaquarium is the only aquarium facilty in the region...a factor for its continued popularity. Sea World is just too far away to be a real competitor.
    • Baldur
      I'm not justifying the size of this bathtub, but the whale wouldn't have lived this long if they didn't take extra good care of her.

      Come to think of it, with all the money that is floating around Miami, do you think there is a chance that Miami Seaquarium will build a massive Killer Whale statium in the style of SeaWorld in the future (before or after Lolita dies)? Sure they could get some local millionaire to fund the project, or what?
    • gerenuk
      The seaquarium has long had plans to build a larger stadium. However, the seaquarium is a for-profit business - they dont take donations. So any subsidizing would eventually have to be paid back, and this place is on its last leg. What the seaquarium needs is a new owner who has no problem sinking in tens of millions of dollars to re-invigorate the place.
    • Vulpes
      I dont understand why this whale has not been confiscated! There is so much talk about other loan whales is poor conditions in South America, but here is one on her own in a equally small pool on US soil. I dont debate that fact that she is well looked after but if a capuchin or chimp were kept on its own in any establishment there would be out cry. this creature is no less social than higher primates. It really should be moved, sold even to Seaworld. Just for the interaction of the other whales.
    • Baldur
      The whale has been here for 40 years (caught in 1970?) and it is all it knows. Without being an expert on Killer Whale social interactions, I would imagine that any attempt to bring it together with Sea World whales, be it over in Orlando or somewhere else, would not be successful.

      Our fellow Zoochat member John Dinely is a former marine mammal trainer in the UK and would no doubt be able to tell us what he thinks. I'm not taking an emotional stance in this matter until I know what a professional with experience thinks.

    • John Dineley
      From what I have heard they think that moving her would be unwise as she has been kept in this facility for such a long time. I think even many of the anti-captive activists are of the same opinion. After so many years on her own I suspect she doesn't 'know' she is a killer whale. She seems to coexist with the white-side dolphins well. A far from perfect situation but perhaps the only option for this animal.

      BTW: if anyone is interested in the history of the Seaqurium there is an excellent book by Craig Phillips the first curator called: [ame=""]The Captive Sea[/ame] published in 1964 and also a couple of books by 'Capt.' William B Gray including one called 'Friendly Porpoises' - Gray was the head of animal collections for the park in it's first years.
    • Baldur
      Thanks John for the book hints; I should have bought 'The Captive Sea' years ago, hopefully I'll bring myself to do it now finally.
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