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leopard cage, Angkor Zoo

16 September 2006. This is basically a concrete bunker with a mesh-covered strip for light and air along the top of the wall. The roof is solid. (The peaked roof visible behind is a separate cage).

leopard cage, Angkor Zoo
Chlidonias, 5 Mar 2008
zoo_enthusiast likes this.
    • Chlidonias
      16 September 2006. This is basically a concrete bunker with a mesh-covered strip for light and air along the top of the wall. The roof is solid. (The peaked roof visible behind is a separate cage).
    • Xerxes
      Looks pretty horrible...
    • Kifaru Bwana
      The Angkor Hotel .... (so to speak)?
    • swedish beaver
      i donĀ“t like this zoo
    • Dan
      Keeping a leopard in this atrocity is the worst thing I have ever seen from any zoo. It is barbaric to torture an animal like this. I could of course go on and discuss the culture that permits a monstrosity such as this to exist, but that would not be popular so I will refrain from doing that.
    • snowleopard
      This cage must be a strong candidate for worst zoo exhibit in the ZooChat gallery, and if this zoo's horrendous animal enclosures are any indication of what Cambodia is like for captive creatures then I feel sorry for the lot of them.
    • Dan
      Damn it... can I go a little bit further down the line here and say that I despise a culture that permits animals to be tortured this way? Without being haunted by the "politically correct" crowd?
    • torie
      dont get me wrong I think that this is a horrible place for the animal to live but before we get too carried away with the abuse of the Cambodian people you have to remember that the living conditions of this animal are probably not all that much worse then those of the people. So when looking at the state of the zoo its important to take into account the back ground of the people visiting it and those in charge of its construction.

      n.b thats not a personal attack at anyone or the veiws of others and i too think that the cage is bad i just think the whole story needs to be looked at
      Rohin likes this.
    • sooty mangabey
      And just remind me how domestic pigs and chickens are treated in Sweden (or the UK for that matter)?

      Does this comment qualify me to join "the politically correct crowd"?
    • Chlidonias
      if I can make an observation for Dan sitting in his nice safe western home, Cambodia is a third-world country where so many of the people are dirt-poor. Sitting by the side of the road you see bands playing musical instruments to try and make some money for food because they can't work due to their limbs having been blown off by the left-over mines which still litter the countryside. They may not have all their arms or legs but they have their dignity. Rich Americans and Europeans visit Angkor in droves and most of them treat with contempt the local people trying to make a living around the temples. It is a really sickening thing to see.

      Yes some of the enclosures at Angkor Zoo are truly appalling (notably the leopard, leopard cat and binturong bunkers, and the bare concrete monkey and gibbon cages) - all of which should absolutely be demolished - but most of the cages are actually relatively good ('relatively' being the operative word obviously). The people looking after the animals are doing their best with VERY little money, and they seem to care about the animals. There is a sun bear at the zoo with only three paws, the fourth having been lost to a land-mine. Several of the other animals appear to be abandoned or confiscated pets.

      That there is even a place for these animals to be looked after is a minor miracle in a country where many of the people themselves can barely afford to survive.
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