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R.I.P African Wetlands exhibit (2006-2010)

Not even 4 years old yet, and has even won a tourism award, the African Wetlands exhibit is being torn down to make way for a new "Living Coast" exhibit featuring African penguins.

R.I.P African Wetlands exhibit (2006-2010)
Zooish, 20 Jun 2010
    • Zooish
      Not even 4 years old yet, and has even won a tourism award, the African Wetlands exhibit is being torn down to make way for a new "Living Coast" exhibit featuring African penguins.
    • Fossa dude
      Do you know what species where home to this exhibit?
    • Chlidonias
      I can remember shoebill, saddlebill stork, crowned crane, white-faced whistling duck, great cormorant....there were a bunch of others I can't recall off the top of my head.
    • Fossa dude
      Ok, cool thanxs for the info. :)

      Fossa dude
    • Zooish
      In addition to what Chlidonias has listed, there was also Great White Pelican, Demoiselle Crane, Blue Crane, Egyptian Goose, Cape Shelduck and Crested Guinea Fowl.
    • JBZvolunteer
      are there plans to put the shoebills on exhibit in a different part of the park?
    • Zooish
    • zooboy28
      So is the African Penguin/Cape Shelduck exhibit new, or was it part of this African Wetlands?

      As far as I can tell most of the species listed as being part of the African Wetlands are on display in other parts of the Park (or the Zoo), except the Blue and Demoiselle cranes. Is this correct? Are there any plans to create an exhibit for these?
    • Zooish
      The park retrofitted part of the old African Wetlands exhibit to become the new penguin exhibit. The African penguins were a new addition to the park.

      You're right, most of the other African Wetlands species have been moved to other exhibits, but the lone Blue Crane has not been seen, presumably it is off-exhibit. The Demoiselles were released into the Waterfall Aviary some time back, but I'm not sure if they're still there. I haven't heard of any plans for a new African Wetlands-type exhibit.
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    Jurong Bird Park
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    20 Jun 2010
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