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Zoologischer Park Von Deutschland

Translates to "Zoological Park of Germany." Wanted to make my next fantasy zoo located in another country besides the US, so I decided on Germany. I'll post a species list some point soon.

Zoologischer Park Von Deutschland
    • Anteaterman
      Translates to "Zoological Park of Germany." Wanted to make my next fantasy zoo located in another country besides the US, so I decided on Germany. I'll post a species list some point soon.
      Side note: I used Google Translate to translate from English to German, so I'm not sure how accurate it is. Feel free to mention the correct translation if I got something wrong.
    • AWP
      The map looks great!
      Anteaterman likes this.
    • KevinB
      Just out of curiosity, what kind of software did you use to draw this map and how difficult is it to do this?
    • Daubentoniidae
      The animal designs on this map look identical to the ones used in London Zoo's and Whipsnade Zoo's maps. Where did you get the animal designs?
    • SivatheriumGuy
      Very good indeed. Where did you do this? Wich program?
      Anteaterman likes this.
    • Grizzly Hound
      Where did you get the animal icons?
      Anteaterman likes this.
    • Anteaterman
      @SivatheriumGuy @KevinB I used a free program called "" (Here's a link: Sketch.IO - The Maker of Sketchpad) You can either use the free version (Just click the colorful S in the middle of the screen to access it) or you can buy the app (I recommend this, because it allows you to use some features not available in the free version).
      @KevinB, it took me some time to figure out how to use to make maps like this, but I can explain how to do it if you or anyone else wants me to.
      @Daubentoniidae @Grizzly Hound I found out who makes the maps for parks like the San Diego Zoo, Whipsnade Zoo, Planckendael, etc, dragged down the images on the site to my desktop, and cropped them into transparent images to put on my map. I also found the company who distributes the maps, Visual Maps, and used that site for the icons as well. (Here are the links: martin schwartz Visual Maps . - Gallery) On the first site, I used images from the Whipsnade Zoo, London Zoo, San Diego Zoo Safari Park, San Diego Zoo, Planckendael Zoo, and Lowry Park Zoo folders. On the second site, I used images from the London Zoo, Los Angeles Zoo, San Diego Zoo, and Welt Vogel Park folders. If anyone needs me to explain how to crop an image to have a transparent background, I will gladly explain how (although a google search should explain it just fine).
      @AWP Thanks, it took me a while to make!
    • AWP
      I'm familiar with the current maps of Walsrode, Antwerpen, Planckendael, London, Los Angeles and San Diego because of recent visits or preparing visits, but never realized these are from the same illustrator! Seeing the maps all together the similarities in style are quite obvious.
      Anteaterman likes this.
    • SivatheriumGuy
      Thanks for the information. I really like the illustrations of these maps, and finally knowing the artist is very important for me. Also, I'll give the program a good use!
      Anteaterman likes this.
    • iloveafrica
      Amazing! This is actually my personal favourite out of all of the fantasy zoos! Just one problem tho... there is more than one zoo in germany! But other than that i love it!
      Anteaterman likes this.
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