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Landscape aquariums

A set of larger aquariums featuring a coral reef, a mangrove and several freshwater habitats.

Landscape aquariums
lintworm, 7 Jun 2015
Haliaeetus likes this.
    • lintworm
      A set of larger aquariums featuring a coral reef, a mangrove and several freshwater habitats.
    • snowleopard
      These tanks appear to be quite spectacular. Is there 4 completely different aquariums in this photo? Are there any mammals that have access to the foliage in the background?
    • lintworm
      These are indeed 4 completely different aquariums, although the white-eyes living in the plants above have access to the complete set ;). The 5th aquarium (with SE-Asian fish and fly river turtles is just left from the picture)
    • devilfish
      One of the most impressive things about these tanks is the size of some of the inhabitants. One of the largest arapaima I've seen was held in one of these tanks.
    • Tim May
      And probably the largest pacu I have ever seen; it is also worth noting that there is a sign that states the pacu have lived in the aquarium for over sixty years.
    • JigerofLemuria
      It really looks like the aquariums are literal windows to that part of the world... Good show! :D
    • kiang
      I would be happier if they perhaps rather than being 1/3 utilised, filled a little deeper.
    • JigerofLemuria
      Hmm, you have a point there...
    • DavidBrown
      @lintworm What is your opinion of this aquarium-insect-reptile complex? Is it one of the best in Europe? Several of the displays look impressive and several look like average terraria and aquaria found in a typical aquarium or reptile house, so the overall quality of the place is hard to gauge.
    • lintworm
      @DavidBrown If you would ask Snowleopard, he would surely tell you it is one of the best :p. It is probably the most species rich house in Europe and it is very interesting to explore. Designwise most enclosures are not very special, but there is a breadth in displayed habitats (especially for fish) that is unrivalled. The strength really is in the numbers and in creating fine (not superlarge) enclosures for the inhabitants, there are no enclosures that come across as particularly novel, nor does the building have the grand feeling, similar aquaria in Antwerp and Amsterdam do have (but those have far fewer species). Even then there are few buildings comparable in Europe and even an enclosure guy like me, would say it is unique on the continent and a must see building.
      DavidBrown likes this.
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    Berlin Zoo Aquarium
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    7 Jun 2015
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