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Puma enclosure at the RSCC 28/11/09

Puma enclosure at the RSCC 28/11/09
Maguari, 2 Dec 2009
    • Zambar
      Is the Clouded Leopard gone or still on a 'night only' basis? Seems a bit of a strange routine if the visitors have no chance of seeing it.
    • Maguari
      There's still labels for both so I guess the rotation system is still in place. It is odd.
    • Hix
      At least now we have some perspective on the actual size of this enclosure relative to its occupants.
    • Dan
      And we can agree that it is shamefully small?
    • redpanda
      Small, but not shamefully so. The fact that photos have to be taken from a raised walkway around ten feet back always give a skewed perception of its size.
    • Maguari
      I seem to be making a habit of this today, but I agree with redpanda ;)

      It's not big at all, but I wouldn't call it shameful. It does go back much further than it appears.
    • Dan
      Oh........ you stubborn Brits and your love for these little concrete bunkers at the "RSCC" ! ;)
    • Maguari
      I never said I loved it - it's just not 'shameful' in my eyes. It falls somewhere in the region between 'love it' and 'shameful'. :D
    • Dan
      Yeah, I know... and I was only joking of course.

      But in my view these cat and bear enclosures that I see in the RSCC gallery really ARE undefendable. They are pityfully small and not much different from the carnivore houses from the 19th century. In my country it would be illegal to hold this puma in an outdoor enclosure less big than 500 sq. meters, if I remember correctly. I like that. I do not like what I see in this photograph.
    • redpanda
      Remember, Dan, that pretty much no pictures show the entire bear exhibit as it consists of two rectangles joined in an L-shape, it is not huge but a reasonable size if the vertical height is taken into account. And, like I said, the puma enclosure is small, but not as bad as you make out. They are certainly not as bad as the ancient carnivore houses being several times larger, outside, and complete with vertical space, enrichment, natural substrate, privacy, plantings etc etc
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    Rare Species Conservation Centre
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    2 Dec 2009
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