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The Cincinnati Zoo's 2003 & 2018 Master Plan

    • Moebelle
      A short analysis of the 2003 plan, and a revisit to the 2018 plan, with new renderings and some questions answered since its release.

      Details of the 2003 Plan Left Out of the Video
      1. The entrance would’ve extended all the way to the Reptile House. Within that same spot, a new cafe is mentioned, along with an updated Children’s Zoo, gardens, and small mammal/bird exhibits
      2. Rather than the Elephant Trek, the safari parking lot was to be the “Festival Gardens” - featuring a wetlands area, Victorian gardens, and possibly a concert event center,
      3. Map shows Africa would’ve taken over Wings of the World
      4. The Education Center, though it looks slightly different, does actually exist today in that spot as the ‘Discovery Forest’. A site for education camps with an added bonus rainforest with a macaw and sloths.
      5. The Asia section appears to spread to the existing Gibbon Islands. Much like Denver’s, it seems those exhibits would’ve been reworked to go over a boardwalk from island to island.
      6. There is a revised 2003 plan I can no longer find. It does mention a Cat Canyon (opened 2012) in the place it is today. The map also states Sumatran rhino space would've been expanded within Wildlife Canyon, and not by the elephants.
      7. Though I imply Komodos were chosen over Cheetahs in the intro, the dragons were already there when this plan was drawn up. Of course they were never replaced as intended.
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    Cincinnati Zoo and Botanical Garden
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    7 Jul 2020
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