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72 Dangerous Animals Africa (My Version)

Discussion in 'Quizzes, Competitions & Games' started by Emanuel Theodorus, 26 Oct 2020.

  1. FBBird

    FBBird Well-Known Member 10+ year member

    15 Oct 2010
    Dorset, UK
    Oh dear, I realise I’ve said that before:)
  2. Emanuel Theodorus

    Emanuel Theodorus Well-Known Member 5+ year member

    20 Mar 2018
    Tangerang, Indonesia
    Welcome back to another episode of 72 Dangerous Animals: Africa, and here's a look at the fourth group of dangerous animals:
    1. Camel (Camelus dromedarius (Dromedary))

    Camels are well known as the animal that is often associated with the desert, particularly in the deserts of Sahara. Camels have long history with humans and have since being domesticated, and have a lot of uses too. But as with the case of many domesticated herbivores, camels are still potentially dangerous due to their powerful bite and immense weight that can easily crush a human.

    2. Congo Floor Maggot (Auchmeromyia senegalensis)


    This maggot, as the name suggests, can be found in the floors of a hut, that is usually made out of dry earth. These maggots also feed on bloods of many mammals and birds. However, they do not transmit disease when doing so. So they cause nothing more than mild irritation and generally harmless, albeit disgusting to humans.

    3. Goliath Frog (Conraua goliath)

    Known to be the largest living frog on earth, Goliath Frog can grow up to the size of a house cat.
    These frogs are known to prey on insects, fishes, other amphibians, mollusks, crustaceans, and even small mammals. However, they are relatively harmless to humans despite their humongous size, and their population is dwindling due to habitat destruction.

    4. African Tigerfish (Hydrocynus vittatus)

    More specifically the Striped Tigerfish, this predatory fish is known to have sharp jaws and aggresive behavior. This makes them a very popular game fish in Africa, especially among the tourists, as they are essentially the Piranhas of the Africa. And just like Piranhas, they would attack in groups and feeding frenzy, which potentially made them deadly, albeit rather rare.

    5. Puff Adder (Bitis arietans)


    Puff Adders are well known for their camouflaging color patterns that blends them perfectly among the rocks and grasses of savannah. They are also well known for carrying deadly venom that can cause severe swelling, hemorrhaging, hypertension, necrosis, and eventually death. Due to their nature of camouflaging, plenty people have fallen victim to the bite of this snake because they are unaware that a deadly snake was hiding somewhere and felt threathened.

    6. Boomslang (Dispholidus typus)

    Boomslangs may be small, but their venom is very much deadly. Extreme hemorrhaging is often documented due to the effects of the venom. This arboreal snake prefers to be up in the trees hunting for small animals, but sometimes unaware humans have been bitten by this snake and may not even realize it due to how small it is.

    Here's how I ranked them:
    1. Puff Adder
    2. Boomslang
    3. African Tigerfish
    4. Camel
    5. Congo Floor Maggot
    6. Goliath Frog

    Reasoning: As the deadliest snake on this group, Puff Adder easily rose to number one spot because of their potent venom and frequent human bites. Boomslang coming in second because while it's not as deadly as the Puff Adder, it's still one of the most dangerous snakes in Africa even with their small size. African Tigerfish coming in third place because of their predatory behavior while not as deadly as the two venomous snakes above. Camel comes in the fourth place because while it is very large and can crush a human if it wanted to, the domesticated status of this animal makes it less threathening compared to the previous three. Congo Floor Maggot comes in fifth due to despite their habit of sucking blood, they won't really kill a human since they aren't known to carry any disease. And Goliath Frog is in dead last because while it's size is certainly intimidating, it won't pose any threat to a human.

    Top 10:
    1. Nile Crocodile
    2. Bull Shark
    3. Puff Adder
    4. Tiger Shark
    5. Mozambique Spitting Cobra
    6. Spotted Hyena
    7. Green Mamba
    8. Boomslang
    9. Rinkhal
    10. Black-necked Spitting Cobra

    The deadly Puff Adder rose to the third place of the list, kicking every animals below it at least one spot. And going in the eighth spot is the Boomslang, which kicked out Deathstalker and Cape Coral Snake off the list. More and more contenders are coming and the competition is getting tougher, but who will rose to the top 10 of the most dangerous animal in Africa? Stay tuned for another episode of 72 Dangerous Animals: Africa.
  3. OstrichMania

    OstrichMania Well-Known Member 5+ year member

    27 Jul 2018
    United Kingdom
    Interesting how 6 of the 10 species in the top 10 are all types of snakes.
    Wappasts likes this.
  4. Emanuel Theodorus

    Emanuel Theodorus Well-Known Member 5+ year member

    20 Mar 2018
    Tangerang, Indonesia
    Yeah, the first couple of randomizers I got most of the venomous snakes for the most part. And Africa is pretty much a home to some of the deadliest snakes out there. So I guess you shouldn't really be surprised. But on the next few groups, the snakes will eventually get thrown out as well.
    Wappasts likes this.
  5. Emanuel Theodorus

    Emanuel Theodorus Well-Known Member 5+ year member

    20 Mar 2018
    Tangerang, Indonesia
    Note: Turns out I made a mistake by not realizing Driver Ants are practically just a large sub genre of Army Ants and I practically made them seperate species. For that, I removed Army Ant off the list and replaced it with Oceanic Whitetip, the animal I was a little bit too late to realize it should be on the list.
    Wappasts likes this.
  6. Wappasts

    Wappasts New Member

    3 May 2021
    Will you post about it when you're done? ☺
  7. Emanuel Theodorus

    Emanuel Theodorus Well-Known Member 5+ year member

    20 Mar 2018
    Tangerang, Indonesia
    Welcome back to 72 Dangerous Animals: Africa. For today's episode, here's our look at our fifth group of dangerous animals:
    1. Giraffe (Giraffa camelopardis)

    The tallest animal on earth, giraffes are usually well known for their rather docile nature. But one kick from this thing can easily kill a grown lion, let alone a human. And they can also attack using their powerful swing from the neck. So you definitely don't want to piss an angry Giraffe. But the attacks from these things are generally rare, as their docile nature means they usually prefer to stay away from human populations.

    2. Leopard (Panthera pardus)

    One of Africa's well known Big Five, the Leopard is a very well known predator that primarily hunts alone and is also known to be very much elusive. The powerful jaw muscle of this big cat can easily drag a prey twice as heavy up to a tree. Human conflict with leopards are unfortunately getting more common due to urbanization, and the result are both fatal to the humans or the leopards. Man-eaters have also been documented, usually because of the lack of natural food source which resulted leopards to turn on humans as well. And that makes the Leopard gain a lot of infamy for them.

    3. African Wild Dog (Lycaon pictus)

    One of Africa's well known pack-hunters, African Wild Dogs are generally known to be Africa's most successful predator, even moreso than lions or leopards. Their intelligence, cunning trait, and strong jaws, makes them formidable to any prey in African Savannah. However, human attacks are generally rare, and in fact, they were the ones that is usually threatened by humans, not the other way around.

    4. Driver Ant (Dorylus sp)

    Belonging to a family of Army Ants, Driver Ants are known to be big, bold, and brutal. They possess a giant pair of mandibles that is strong enough to basically being used as a traditional stitch for wounds. Travelling in colonies up to 20 million ants, they stopped at nothing from getting anything or anyone as a food. For humans, there are a few reported deaths from these ants, although most of the time, their bite will definitely be painful, and you can imagine a whole colony of them biting you everywhere.

    5. Fat-tailed Scorpion (Androctonus sp)

    Roughly translated as "man-killer", Fat-tailed Scorpions are also known as one of the most dangerous scorpion species in the world. Carrying deadly neurotoxic venom at the end of their tails, the venom will act very quickly and easily cause respiratory failure. They are very widespread in Northern and Western Africa, which often times caused more deaths than any other scorpion, including Deathstalkers. But antivenoms are widespread, and therefore, fatalities are preventable.

    6. Ostrich (Struthio camelus)

    The biggest bird on earth, Ostrich is also known to be one of the fastest running animal on earth despite not being able to fly. Its main weapon is a powerful kick that can easily disembowel a lion. Ostrich attacks to humans are mostly related to humans provoking these birds which sometimes could result in fatal. But as long as you don't bother these birds, they won't really bother you as well.

    Here's how I ranked them:
    1. Leopard
    2. Driver Ant
    3. Fat-tailed Scorpion
    4. Ostrich
    5. African Wild Dog
    6. Giraffe

    Reasoning: Leopard ranked in number one due to them being such an expert predator and their sheer power can easily overwhelm a human, not to mention conflicts are getting more usual than before. Driver Ants ranked right below due to their aggresiveness and size can easily intimidate any animal larger than them, and they simply won't stop at anything. Fat-tailed Scorpion placed third due to their potent and deadly venom while not being as aggresive as Leopard ord Driver Ant. Ostrich is on fourth due to the fact that they won't generally attack humans despite their dangerous talons, along with African Wild Dogs who placed below it due to being rarer as well, and finally Giraffe placed last due to the fact their docile nature usually means they'll leave humans alone unless provoked.

    Top 10:
    1. Nile Crocodile
    2. Bull Shark
    3. Puff Adder
    4. Leopard
    5. Tiger Shark
    6. Mozambique Spitting Cobra
    7. Driver Ant
    8. Spotted Hyena
    9. Green Mamba
    10. Fat-tailed Scorpion

    Three animals in this episode placed themselves on the top ten list of the most dangerous, that being Leopard on the fourth, Driver Ant on seventh, and Fat-tailed Scorpion on tenth, which means we have to say goodbye to Boomslang, Rinkhal, and Black-necked Spitting Cobra in the list. But which animals that will also took the place on the top ten list? Stay tuned for another episode of 72 Dangerous Animals: Africa!
    Wappasts likes this.
  8. Emanuel Theodorus

    Emanuel Theodorus Well-Known Member 5+ year member

    20 Mar 2018
    Tangerang, Indonesia
    Note: You'd notice that I didn't put Fat-tailed Scorpion on the list despite being featured on today's episode, and that's because I decided that I should have grouped Forest Buffalo and Cape Buffalo as one instead of two separate animals considering Forest Buffalos are essentially just a subspecies of African Buffalo. I've already decided that I'll group Black and White Rhino as one along with Savanna and Forest Elephant, so I decided why didn't I just group them as one. As a result, Forest Buffalo is off the list and is replaced by Fat-tailed Scorpion like @El Tejón Melero suggested.
    Wappasts likes this.
  9. TigerFan

    TigerFan Member

    14 Apr 2021
    U.S, California, San Ramon
    oops, I forgot about this forum. Anyways, I would put the puff adder at number 1, because it's responsible for thousands of deaths a year, and is responsible for the most deaths in Africa than any other snake.
  10. TigerFan

    TigerFan Member

    14 Apr 2021
    U.S, California, San Ramon
    Yeah, I'm almost done with the first episode. Obviously it's not gonna be as good as the real show, but I'm trying my best. And the narrator is kind of bad in my show.
    Wappasts likes this.
  11. Wappasts

    Wappasts New Member

    3 May 2021
    How long is an episode? Or atleast the first one?
  12. TigerFan

    TigerFan Member

    14 Apr 2021
    U.S, California, San Ramon
    Around the same length as the real show. Around 45 minutes.
    German Zoo World and Wappasts like this.
  13. Wappasts

    Wappasts New Member

    3 May 2021
    WOW, that's impressive! Thank you for your hard work!<3
    TigerFan likes this.
  14. TigerFan

    TigerFan Member

    14 Apr 2021
    U.S, California, San Ramon
    Yeah it's no problem. I've always enjoyed making videos. But don't expect it to be as good as the real show.
    Wappasts likes this.
  15. TigerFan

    TigerFan Member

    14 Apr 2021
    U.S, California, San Ramon
    I just wish I had a better narrator.
    Wappasts likes this.
  16. TigerFan

    TigerFan Member

    14 Apr 2021
    U.S, California, San Ramon
    So I'm still working on the first episode, but in the mean time I've made a trailer for the show. You can watch it:
    Wappasts likes this.
  17. Wappasts

    Wappasts New Member

    3 May 2021
    I'm already excited
    TigerFan likes this.
  18. TigerFan

    TigerFan Member

    14 Apr 2021
    U.S, California, San Ramon
    When are you going to make the next episode?
    Wappasts likes this.
  19. TigerFan

    TigerFan Member

    14 Apr 2021
    U.S, California, San Ramon
    Episode 1 is coming soon!

  20. TigerFan

    TigerFan Member

    14 Apr 2021
    U.S, California, San Ramon
    Episode 1 is here:

    Episode 1 (new).mp4

    Make sure to turn it on 720p for the best quality.
    pichu likes this.