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Belo Horizonte Zoo Belo Horizonte Zoo, species list

Discussion in 'Brazil' started by David Matos Mendes, 8 Aug 2020.

  1. David Matos Mendes

    David Matos Mendes Well-Known Member

    7 Apr 2020
    Belo Horizonte MG Brasil
    Yes, probably this one indeed. This individual has been living there for a few months already, but I had forgotten to add it here before.
  2. David Matos Mendes

    David Matos Mendes Well-Known Member

    7 Apr 2020
    Belo Horizonte MG Brasil
    *Updated list: (update number 2)
    Belo Horizonte zoo updated species list

    This list was made based on the zoo’s old visitation app and official informations from the zoo’s staff.The institution does not let their official species list available online like other institutions in Brazil, but anyway, it was possible for me to bring this list, wich is the most accurate that I could make. In my last visit, (in October 11th 2020) I took notes of all the species that I could, to compare with their app’s information. This list shows all the species of animals you can see in a visit to the Belo Horizonte zoo and aquarium, but species located in the restricted areas of the zoo won’t be added here yet. Gotta do a deeper research to discover those.

    Example of how the names of the species are listed:

    English name / Brazilian name - Scientific name

    Mammals (36 species): The zoo’s mammals collection is divided between: the big cats area, african area, south american area, hoofstock corridor, primate area I, primate area II, and some other spread exhibits around the institution.

    African elephant / Eleante-africano - (Loxodonta africana)

    African lion / Leão-africano - (Panthera leo)

    Amazonian wooly monkey / Macaco-barrigudo - (Lagothrix cana)

    Bactrian camel / Camelo-bactriano - (Camelus bactrianus)

    Black howler monkey / Bugio-preto - (Alouatta caraya)

    Brazilian agouti / Cutia - (Dasyprocta azarae)

    Brazilian porcupine / Ouriço-cacheiro - (Coendou prehensilis)

    Brazilian tapir / Anta brasileira - (Tapirus terrestris)

    Collared pecari / Caititu - (Pecari tajacu)

    Common chimpanzee / Chimpanzé comum - (Pan troglodytes)

    Common hippopotamus / Hipopótamo comum - (Hipopotamus amphibius)

    Elipsen waterbuck / Cobo-de-meia-lua - (Kobus ellipsiprymnus)

    Emperor tamarin / Sagui-imperador - (Saguinus imperator)

    European fallow deer / Cervo-dama - (Dama dama)

    Feline night monkey / Macaco-da-noite - (Aotus azarae infulatus)

    Gabon talapoin / Macaco-talapoin - (Miopithecus ogouensis)

    Gemsbok / Órix - (Oryx gazella)

    Giant anteater / Tamanduá-bandeira - (Myrmecophaga tridactyla)

    Golden-belied capuchin monkey / Macaco-prego-de-peito-amarelo - (Sapajus

    Golden-headed lion tamarin / Mico-leão-de-cara-dourada - (Leontopithecus chrysomelas)

    Golden-lion tamarin / Mico-leão-dourado - (Leontopithecus rosalia)

    Gray brocket deer / Veado-catingueiro - (Mazama gouazoubira)

    Gray's bald faced saki / Parauacu - (Pithecia irrorata)

    Lesser anteater/southern tamandua / Tamanduá-mirim - (Myrmecophaga tetradactyla)

    Llama / Lhama - (Lama glama)

    Maned wolf / Lobo-guará (Crysocion brachyrus)

    Marsh deer / Cervo-do-pantanal - (Blastocerus dichotomus)

    Ocelot / Jaguatirica - (Leopardus pardalis)

    Paca /Paca - (Agouti paca)

    Pampas cat (colocolo) / Gato-palheiro - (Leopardus colocolo)

    Plains zebra / Zebra-da-planície - (Equus burchelli)

    Puma / Onça-parda/suçuarana/puma - (Puma concolor)

    Red deer / Cervo-nobre - (Cervus elaphus)

    South-american jaguar / Onça-pintada - (Panthera onca)

    Southern white rhinoceros / Rinoceronte-branco-do-sul - (Ceratotherium simum)

    Western lowland gorilla / Gorila-da-planície-ocidental - (Gorilla gorilla gorilla)

    Reptiles (24 species): The zoo exhibits most of it’s reptiles in the main reptile house, built in 1998. This structure keeps all the snakes of the institution, a few sliders and iguanas, in some indoor and outdoor exhibits. There are four separated reptile exhibits in the South american area of the zoo, two holding broad-snouted-caimans, (one of them houses a few species of freshwater turtles among the caimans) and the last two only holds chelonians (one for tortoises, and the other for freshwater turtles).

    Amazon turtle / arrau turtle / tartaruga-da-Amazônia - (Podocnemis expansa)

    Amazonian boa / Jiboia-amazônica - (Boa constrictor)

    Amazonian tree boa / Suaçuboia - (Corallus hortulanus)

    Ball python / Píton-bola - (Python regius)

    Bearded dragon lizard / Dragão-barbudo - (Pogona vitticeps)

    Black-and-White tegu lizard / Teiú - (Tupinambis merianae

    Broad snouted caiman / Jacaré-do-papo-amarelo - (Caiman latirostris)

    Burmese python / Píton-birmanesa - (Python bivittatus)

    Corn snake / Cobra-do-milho - (Pantherophis guttatus)

    Emerald tree boa / Cobra-papagaio/periquitamboia - (Corallus caninus)

    Geoffroy's Toadhead Turtle / Cágado-de-barbicha - (Phrynops geoffroanus)

    Green iguana / Iguana verde - (Iguana iguana)

    Leopard gecko / Lagartixa-leopardo - (Eublepharis macularius)

    Marbled lancehead / Jararaca-pintada/jararaca-marmorizada - (Bothrops marmoratus)

    Nile monitor / Lagarto-monitor-do-nilo - (Varanus niloticus)

    Red-eared slider / Tartaruga tigre d’água americana - (Trachemys scripta elegans)

    Red-footed tortoise / Jabuti-piranga - (Chelonoidis carbonaria)

    Reticulated python / Píton-reticulada - (Python reticulatus)

    Scorpion Mud Turtle / Muçuã/Jurará - (Kinosternon scorpioides)

    South American rattlesnake / Cascavel - (Crotalus durissus)

    Spotted-legged Turtle / Aperema - (Rhinoclemmys punctularia)

    Yellow anaconda / Sucuri-amarela - (Eunectes notaeus)

    Yellow eared slider / tartaruga tigre-d’água - (Trachemys dorbigni)

    Yellow-footed tortoise / Jabuti-tinga - (Chelonoidis denticulata)

    Fish (19 species): The zoo keeps a big thematic aquarium, built in 2010, wich is nowadays the largest freshwater aquarium under activity in the country. It represents the brazilian river of São Francisco, housing only species that can be found in this river, and representes several parts of this huge watercourse.

    Annual killifish / Peixe anual - (Cynolebias perforatus)

    Barrigudinho* - (Phalloceros uai)

    Canivete* - (Apareiodon sp.)

    Chameleon cichlid / Acará-camaleão - (Australoheros facetus)

    Darter characin / Mocinha - (Characidium fasciatum)

    Joaninha/jacundá* - (Crenicichla lepidota)

    Koi fish / Carpa asiática - (Cyprinus carpio)

    Lambari bocarra* / Lambari bocarra - (Oligosarcus argenteus)

    Mandir chorão/bagre pintado* - (Pimelodella sp.)

    Manjuba* - (Curimatella lepidura)

    Mussum* - (Synbranchus marmoratus)

    Piaba facão* - (Triportheus guentheri)

    Piabinha* - (Psellogrammus kennedyi)

    Piau-três-pintas* - (Leporinus reinhardti)

    Pirá-tamanduá* - (Conorhynchos conirostris)

    Serpae tetra / Mato-grosso - (Hyphessobrycon eques)

    Tamboatá* - (Hoplosternum littorale)

    Timboré* - (Leporinus taeniatus)

    Trairão* - (Hoplias intermedius)

    *Animals with no common name translation to english

    Birds (98 species): Three bird squares house the zoo’s birds. The largest one houses the ratites, psitacides and birds of prey, the second largest keeps the passerines and has some vivariums with other some native birds; and the smallest square, wich is the first thing you see when you enter the zoo, has four aviaries with some macaws and pheasants.

    Alagaos currasow / Mutum-do-nordeste/Mutum-de-Alagoas - (Mitu mitu)

    Alexandrine parakeet / Rei-alexandrino - (Psittacula eupatria)

    Amazonian currasow / Mutum-do-amazonas - (Mitu tomentosa)

    American kestrel / Gavião-quiri-quiri - (Falco sparverius)

    Australian wood duck / Ganso-maned - (Chenonetta jubata)

    Bare-throated bellbird / Araponga - (Procnias nudicollis)

    Barn owl / Coruja-da-torre - (Tyto alba)

    Black curassow / Mutumporanga - (Crax alector)

    Black-throated grossbeak / Bico-de-pimenta - (Saltator atricollis)

    Blue and yellow macaw / Arara-canindé - (Ara ararauna)

    Blue-winged Macaw / Arara-maracanã - (Primolius maracana)

    Brazilian tanager / Tiê-sangue - (Ramphocellus bresilius)

    Buff-necked Ibis / Curicaca - (Theristicus caudatus)

    Caatinga parakeet / Jandaia-do-cerrado - (Aratinga cactorum)

    Campo oriole / Sofrê - (Icterus jamacaii)

    Cape Barren goose / Ganso-australiano - (Cereopsis novaehollandiae)

    Carolina duck/wood duck / Marreco-carolina - (Aix sponsa)

    Chattering Lory / Lóris-amor-amor - (Loris garrulus)

    Cinammon tanager / Bico-de-veludo - (Schistochlamys ruficapillus)

    Coconut lorikeet / Lóris-arco-iris - (Trichoglossus haematodus)

    Common ostrich / Avestruz - (Strutio camelus)

    Common Starling / Estorninho - (Sturnus vulgaris)

    Crested Orpendola / Japu - (Psarocollus decumanus)

    Curl-crested jay / Gralha-do-campo - (Cyanocorax cristatellus)

    Egyptian goose / Ganso-do-egito - (Alopochen aegyptiacus)

    Festive amazon / Papagaio-papa-cacau - (Amazona festiva)

    Giant cowbird / Graúna - (Gnorimopsar chopi)

    Gilt-edged tanager / Saíra-dourada - (Tangara cyanoventris)

    Golden parakeet / Ararajuba - (Guaruba guarouba)

    Golden pheasant / Faisão-dourado - (Chrysolophus pictus)

    Golden-capped parakeet / Jandaia-mineira - (Aratinga auricapilla)

    Gray crowned crane / Grou-coroado - (Balearica pavonina)

    Great horned owl / Corujão-orelhudo - (Bubo virginianus)

    Greater blue eared Starling / Melro-metálico - (Lamprotornis purpureus)

    Greater rhea / Ema - (Rhea americana)

    Green-billed toucan / Tucano-do-bico-verde - (Ramphastos dicolorus)

    Green-cheeked parakeet / Tiriba-de-cara-suja - (Pyrrhura cruentata)

    Green-winged saltator / Trinca-ferro - (Saltator similis)

    Grey cowled wood rail / Saracura-três-potes - (Aramides cajanea)

    Half collared sparrow / Tico-tico-da-mata - (Arremon flavirostris)

    Harpy eagle / Harpia - (Harpia harpia)

    Hooded siskin / Pintassilgo - (Carduelis magellanicus)

    Horned screamer / Inhuma - (Anhima cornuta)

    Hyacinth macaw / Arara-azul-grande - (Anodorhynchus hyacinthinus)

    Indian peafowl / Pavão-azul/pavão indiano - (Pavo cristatus)

    Kalij pheasant / Faisão-do-nepal - (Lophura leucomelana)

    King vulture / Urubu-rei - (Sarcoramphus papa)

    Lear’s macaw / Arara-azul-de-lear - (Anodorhynchus leari)

    Little corella / Cacatua corella (Cacatua sanguinea)

    Luzon bleeding heart dove / Pomba-apunhalada - (Galicolumba luzonica)

    Magpie tanager / Tiê-tinga - (Cissopis leveriana)

    Mandarin duck / Marreco-mandarim - (Aix galericulata)

    Nocturnal currasow / Urumutum - (Nothocrax urumutum)

    Orange-fronted yellow finch / Canário-do-amazonas - (Sicalis columbiana)

    Orange-winged amazon / Papagaio-do-mangue - (Amazona amazonica)

    Plush-crested Jay / Gralha-picaça - (Cyanocorax chrysops)

    Razor billed currasow / Mutum-cavalo - (Mitu tuberosa)

    Red and green macaw / Arara-vermelha - (Ara chloropterus)

    Red billed currasow / Mutum-do-sudeste - (Crax blumenbachii)

    Red crested pochard / Marreco-colorado - (Netta rufina)

    Red tanager / Sanhaço-de-fogo - (Piranga flava)

    Red-browed amazon / Papagaio-chauá - (Amazona rhodocorytha)

    Red-cowled cardinal / Galo-de-campina - (Paroaria dominicana)

    Red-fan Parrot / Anacã - (Deroptyus accipitrinus)

    Red-winged-tinamou / Perdiz - (Rhynchotus rufescens)

    Ringed teal / Marreco-de-anel - (Calloneta leucoprhys)

    Rose-ringed parakeet / Periquitão-de-anel - (Psittacula krameri)

    Ruddy shelduck / Tadorna-ferrugem - (Tadorna ferruginea)

    Rufescent tiger heron / Socó-boi - (Tigrisoma lineatum)

    Rufous collared sparrow / Tico-tico-argentino - (Lophospingus pusillus)

    Rufous-bellied thrush / Sabiá-laranjeira - (Turdus rufiventris)

    Saffron finch / Canário-da-terra - (Sicalis flaveola)

    Savanna hawk / Gavião-caboclo - (Buteogallus meridionalis)

    Scaly-headed parrot / Curica-esfumaçada - (Pionus maximilianii)

    Scarlet ibis / Guará - (Endocimous ruber)

    Scarlet macaw / Arara-piranga - (Ara macao)

    Southern cassowary / Casuar-australiano (Casuarius casuarius)

    Striped owl / Coruja-de-chifre - (Asio clamator)

    Swallow tanager / Saíra-andorinha - (Tersina viridis)

    Toco toucan / Tucano-toco - (Ramphastos toco)

    Tui parakeet / Periquito-testinha - (Brotogeris sanctithomae)

    Turquoise-fronted amazona / Papagaio-verdadeiro - (Amazona aestiva)

    Ultramarine grossbeak / Azulão - (Passerina brissonii)

    Variable oriole / Pega - (Icterus cayanensis)

    Vinaceous-breasted amazon / Papagaio-do-peito-roxo - (Amazona vinacea)

    Vulturine guinea fowl / Vulturina - (Acryllium vulturinum)

    Whistling heron / Garça-faceira - (Syrigma sibilatrix)

    White cheeked pintail duck / Marreco-toucinho - (Anas bahamensis)

    White-Bellied parrot / Marianinha - (Pionites leucogaster)

    White-cheecked turaco / Turaco-de-orelha-branca - (tauraco leucotis)

    White-eared parakeet / Tiriba-de-orelha-branca - (Pyrrhura leucotis)

    White-naped-jay / Gralha-cancã - (Cyanocorax cyanopogan)

    Yellow faced siskin / Pintassilgo-do-nordeste - (Sporophila yarreli)

    yellow-chevroned parakeet / Periquito-de-encontro-amarelo - (Brotogeris chiriri)

    Yellow-collared Macaw / Arara-de-colar - (Primolius auricollis)

    Yellow-crowned amazon / Papagaio-campeiro - (Amazona ochrocephala)

    Yellow-faced parrot / Papagaio-galego - (Amazona xanthops)

    Yellow-legged Tinamou / Zabelê - (Crypturellus noctivagus zabele)

    Yellow-rumped marshbird / Chopim-do-brejo - (Pseudoleistes guirahuro)

    Invertebrates (12 species): The zoo keeps a butterfly house with 11 species of butterflies and moths. Probably, the zoo rotates different species from time to time, once no information about the names of the species can be found online. Besides the butterflies, there is a considerable amount of stick insects being kept at the environmental education house. Not completely sure about the species though.
    Kifaru Bwana likes this.
  3. Onychorhynchus coronatus

    Onychorhynchus coronatus Well-Known Member

    30 Sep 2019
    Great list David !

    BH have a bell throated bellbird ?

    How many of these and what is the enclosure like ?
    David Matos Mendes likes this.
  4. Enzo

    Enzo Well-Known Member

    2 Nov 2020
    Nova Iguaçu, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
    I did not see the bellbirds, neither their exhibit.
  5. David Matos Mendes

    David Matos Mendes Well-Known Member

    7 Apr 2020
    Belo Horizonte MG Brasil
    Yes, BH does keep this species. I have to admit that BH's passerine plaza is one of the few areas (If not the only) that I haven't photographed as much as I'd like, so I'm not totally sure if the bell throated bellbird is kept in the big aviary or in one of the individual exhibits. Also not sure about the number of specimens, but BH usually keeps their passerines in pairs or larger groups. I'm gonna attach here a picture that I took from the big passerine aviary and a google maps link that shows the zoo's individual passerine enclosures (I couldn't find pictures on my personal archives from these individual exhibits... After so many freaking visits... sorry :D)

    Big passerine aviary:

    Individual exhibits (all with aproximately the same size and similar enrichment):!1sGMQ2FoEIUQXa2YMvrC-YYQ!2e0!7i13312!8i6656
  6. David Matos Mendes

    David Matos Mendes Well-Known Member

    7 Apr 2020
    Belo Horizonte MG Brasil
    They are kept in the passerine area (second bird plaza, in front of the african white rhino enclosure), but, as I told @Onychorhynchus coronatus , I'm not completely sure if it's on the big aviary or in one of the smaller individual exhibits...
  7. Onychorhynchus coronatus

    Onychorhynchus coronatus Well-Known Member

    30 Sep 2019
    Thank you for sharing !

    It could be kept in the big passerine aviary as I'm not 100 % sure but it is possible that they are compatible for mixed species aviaries but they are quite shy and evasive birds so it could be quite cryptic and hide away in the foilage.

    That said it would be hard to miss because of the white plumage.
    David Matos Mendes likes this.
  8. Enzo

    Enzo Well-Known Member

    2 Nov 2020
    Nova Iguaçu, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
    I'd say they're not in the big aviary, because I took a picture of the ID signs and their names are not written on those.
  9. David Matos Mendes

    David Matos Mendes Well-Known Member

    7 Apr 2020
    Belo Horizonte MG Brasil
    I remember having seen them in the individual exhibits many times, but the thing is that there has been a relocation of the birds in this area recently, so I'm not sure if they still are in these or if they went to the big vivarium. Once you mentioned they are quite shy, it would be better for them to continue being kept in the individual ones, and that's possibly what still happens nowadays. Gonna ask the zoo's crew today about it.
  10. David Matos Mendes

    David Matos Mendes Well-Known Member

    7 Apr 2020
    Belo Horizonte MG Brasil
    So it proves what I thought indeed... They are much probably still being kept in the individual ones...
  11. Onychorhynchus coronatus

    Onychorhynchus coronatus Well-Known Member

    30 Sep 2019
    So you have actually seen the species there before ?
    David Matos Mendes likes this.
  12. Onychorhynchus coronatus

    Onychorhynchus coronatus Well-Known Member

    30 Sep 2019
    @David Matos Mendes also doesn't BH zoo have the jararaca-ilhoa ?

    I remember assisting the reptile keeper with feeding the jararaca-ilhoa at Sorocaba and I remember him telling me that BH zoo had these too.
    David Matos Mendes likes this.
  13. David Matos Mendes

    David Matos Mendes Well-Known Member

    7 Apr 2020
    Belo Horizonte MG Brasil
    Yes, I have. Many times, actually. That's why I'm sure they keep these beauties.
    Hmmm if BH keeps this species, it's on the backstage. The only species of jararaca that is kept for display here is Bothrops marmoratus, but I'll ask the zoo's crew to be sure. Maybe Bothrops insularis were kept there some years ago, when I didn't have enough knowledge to understand wich animal I was seeing, or simply don't remember...
  14. Onychorhynchus coronatus

    Onychorhynchus coronatus Well-Known Member

    30 Sep 2019
    If they do then they could be kept behind the scenes, but the snake / reptile keeper at Sorocaba could have been referring to animals that were kept a long time ago.
    David Matos Mendes likes this.
  15. David Matos Mendes

    David Matos Mendes Well-Known Member

    7 Apr 2020
    Belo Horizonte MG Brasil
    Yes, much probably an animal that lived there previously, but BH has got quite a bunch of little surprise species in that extra sector that always surprise me in a good way whenever I discover them or they go to exhibit. :D:D Some examples are the talapoins, the northern muriqui, the emperor tamarins and more. It's a possibility that they are still keeping an insularis in the backstage...
  16. Onychorhynchus coronatus

    Onychorhynchus coronatus Well-Known Member

    30 Sep 2019
    The muriqui "Zidane" is not alive anymore, right?
    David Matos Mendes likes this.
  17. David Matos Mendes

    David Matos Mendes Well-Known Member

    7 Apr 2020
    Belo Horizonte MG Brasil
    No longer alive, but it was a big surprise for me when I discovered they kept him... He was still alive at the time, but I never had the chance to visit his backstage exhibit...
  18. David Matos Mendes

    David Matos Mendes Well-Known Member

    7 Apr 2020
    Belo Horizonte MG Brasil
    Just received informations from the bellbirds and the jararaca ilhoas. About the birds, the last specimen was kept untill a very short time ago (possibly still was there on the beggining of the year) and was lately being kept in the larger vivarium, but in most of the time, the species used to be kept in the individual exhibits, as I imagined.
    About the Bothrops insularis, the crew told me the species has never been kept at the institution. The only species of bothrops that was ever kept there despite the marmorized one was Bothrops moojeni (caiçaca) a few years ago.
  19. Onychorhynchus coronatus

    Onychorhynchus coronatus Well-Known Member

    30 Sep 2019
    Great to hear more information about their bellbirds, do you know if these were rescued animals from the illegal pet trade?

    Thats interesting, the keeper at Sorocaba must have got that detail wrong regarding the snakes then.
    David Matos Mendes likes this.
  20. David Matos Mendes

    David Matos Mendes Well-Known Member

    7 Apr 2020
    Belo Horizonte MG Brasil
    Not sure about the origin of the individuals. Much probably did came from the illegal pet trade. Many (if not most) of the passerines at BH zoo have this origin, if I'm not wrong...

    Yeah, maybe the keeper confused... There's always the possibility that the zoo held the species for a tiny period, like after a rescue, and then sent it to the definitive destiny very quick. Maybe the Sorocaba keeper knew this at the time, but BH never got to actually expose the animal... Many possibilities...