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Bonobo Lovers: Seeking inspiration to create new bonobo fans

Discussion in 'Wildlife & Nature Conservation' started by KateMc, 15 Jan 2022.

  1. KateMc

    KateMc Member

    11 Jan 2022
    Indiana, USA
    I am giving a presentation introducing bonobos to a couple of groups of people who don't know anything about them. I want to end the presentation with some quotes from people who already love bonobos, to inspire the listeners to support conservation efforts themselves.

    What would you bonobo lovers say to inspire someone to care about the plight of the bonobos? I am already presenting loads of facts (and photos - and photos of babies- lots of bonobo babies LOL). I'm looking for something deeper to connect emotionally with them.

    One person said, "...Visit a zoo with bonobos because once you look into the eyes of a bonobo, you are forever changed." (I couldn't agree more.)

    Please post your persuasive gems here!
