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Houston Museum of Natural Science Cockrell Butterfly Center Species List (April 2022

Discussion in 'United States' started by David Peden, 16 Sep 2022.

  1. David Peden

    David Peden Well-Known Member

    12 Dec 2021
    San Antonio, Texas
    Hey all, I have a backlog of species lists for zoos and aquariums in the Houston area from when I was there in late April of this year. They might be a bit out of date, but hopefully they should be pretty accurate still. This final list is for the insectarium and Cockrell Butterfly Center at the Houston Museum of Nature and Science. I counted 90 species here, mostly insects of course.

    Green and black poison frog
    Dyeing poison frog
    Bumblebee poison frog
    Golden poison frog
    Blue poison frog
    Domino cockroach
    Texas leafcutter ant
    Blue bottle fly
    American cockroach
    Indian ornamental tarantula
    Chilean rosehair tarantula
    Giant centipede
    Common woodlouse
    Desert millipede
    Yellow garden spider
    Tailless whip scorpion
    Giant vinegaroon
    Townsend’s harvestmen
    Desert hairy scorpion
    Brown recluse
    Goliath birdeater
    Atlas beetle
    Black stag beetle
    Magnificent flower beetle
    Red spotted longhorn beetle
    Blue death feigning beetle
    Madagascar hissing cockroach
    Southern black widow
    Six spotted fishing spider
    Ghost mantis
    Budwing mantis
    Giant Asian mantis
    Jungle nymph
    Giant katydid

    Butterfly House
    Red peacock
    Silver king shoemaker
    African moon moth
    Atlas moth
    Red rim
    Magnificent owl
    Tawny owl butterfly
    Grecian shoemaker
    Orange emigrant
    Leopard lacewing
    Tiger leafwing
    Autumn leaf
    Julia longwing
    Common swordtail
    Costa Rican glasswing
    Red cracker
    Grey cracker
    Starry night cracker
    Great orangetip
    Antiochus longwing
    False zebra longwing
    Zebra longwing
    Blue and white longwing
    Doris longwing
    Red postman
    Tiger longwing
    Hewitson’s longwing
    Ismenius tiger longwing
    Red postman mimic
    Sapho longwing
    Sara longwing
    Silver studded leafwing
    Greater eggfly
    Rice paper butterfly
    Dead leaf butterfly
    Tropical milkweed butterfly
    Orange spotted tiger clearwing
    Giant glasswing
    Peleides morpho
    Blue wave
    Mexican bluewing
    Green birdwing
    Pink spotted swallowtail
    Blue banded swallowtail
    Scarlet mormon
    Thoas swallowtail
    Cattleheart swallowtail
    Blue clipper
    Rusty tipped page
    Malachite butterfly
    Cream spotted tiger wing
    Golden birdwing
    Green iguana
    Red footed tortoise
    Green tree python
    Blind cave fish