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Quaker Parrots in Zoos

Discussion in 'General Zoo Discussion' started by wensleydale, 9 Jul 2016.

  1. wensleydale

    wensleydale Well-Known Member

    17 Apr 2014
    CT, USA
    I was wondering, do any Zoos keep Quaker Parrots (also known as Monk Parakeets.) I'm asking because someone told me one to the ways to avoid getting your pet Quaker gassed by animal control if you are found to have one in a state where they are illegal is to give them to an educational institution e.g. a zoo. Frankly I'm not optimistic that anyone has them, due to their status as a feral "pest" in many places (though I don't agree with the pest label at all.) Its a shame that they have such a bad reputation. I really like the species. They are rather unique in the Parrot world, with their adaptability, social structure, and condo style nests that are unfortunately the cause of much of their persecution.
  2. Maguari

    Maguari Never could get the hang of Thursdays. 15+ year member Premium Member

    12 Oct 2007
    Chesterfield, Derbyshire
    Not sure about the States, but they are pretty widely kept in Europe (around 100 Zootierliste entries). I'm guessing shipping one to Europe might be considered a non-starter on cost grounds, though.
  3. vogelcommando

    vogelcommando Well-Known Member 10+ year member

    10 Dec 2012
    fijnaart, the netherlands
    As Maguari said, in Europe this species is kept and bred in many zoos and to check about the US I went to the US-Gallery and put a search for Monk parakeet. The result :
    Tracy Aviary
    John Ball Zoo
    Queens Zoo and
    Bronx Zoo
    I guess the species is not that common in American collections...