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ReptielenZoo Serpo Reptile zoos in Delft, part I; Serpo

Discussion in 'Netherlands' started by Trebaruna, 1 Feb 2009.

  1. Trebaruna

    Trebaruna Well-Known Member

    16 Nov 2007
    My hometown is home to 2 reptile zoos. I thought it might be nice to introduce these to you.
    The first one, the older one, is called “Serpo”. This started out as a travelling exhibition, but they moved into a building next to the central train station in Delft some decades ago. So it’s very easy to reach. (their internet site; REPTIELENZOO (reptielen dierentuin) "SERPO" DELFT - When you scroll a little bit down on the main paige you’ll see a map, “plattegrond” in dutch.) Main purpose of Serpo is a refuge centre for reptiles, especially snakes. Most confiscated animals go here. And whenever somewhere in the country a weird snake is found in someone’s backyard, people from serpo are called to the rescue. The animals on display here are just a part of their entire collection. A lot is behind the scenes. Because they are a refuge centre in the first place they do not spend a lot of time/money on the appearance of the “zoo”, so don’t expect to see a world-class exhibition.

    I’ll go through the building showing the enclosures and listing the species present (the names are in Latin – Dutch – English - German).

    The building has to floors. When entering the building you’ll find a room with crocodiles to you right, snakes, turtles, spiders, etc to you left. Upstairs are more snakes and turtles.
    Outside you can find the old lorry they used when it was a travelling exhibition;

    First thing you’ll see when you passed the ticket desk is this;
    this is the enclosure for the Crocodylus rhombifer – Cubaanse krokodil - Cuban crocodile - Rautenkrokodil
    Next to it are enclosure for
    Physignathus cocincinus – Wateragaam - Chinese Water Dragon - Grüne Wasseragame
    Natrix maura – Adderringslang - Viperine Snake - Vipernatter

    Next up is this thing with some small enclosures
    Euathlus/Brachypelma smithi – Mexicaanse roodknie vogelspin - Mexican redknee tarantula - Mexikanische Rotknie-Vogelspinne
    Morelia viridis - Groene boompython - green tree python - Grüne Baumpython
    Poecilotheria regalis – Zigzig boomvogelspin - Indian ornamental Trantula - Ornament Baumvogelspinne
    Grammostola cala – Chileense vogelspin - Rose-haired tarantula - Rote Chile Vogelspinne
    Theraphosa leblondii – Goliath vogelspin - Goliath bird eater – Bombardierspinne, Riesenvogelspinne

    Against the outer wall are enclosures for snakes (mostly venomous) placed in U-shapes;
    Dendroaspis viridis - Groene mamba - Western Green Mamba - grüne Mamba
    Dendroaspis angusticeps – Smalkopmamba - Eastern Green Mamba - Gewöhnliche Mamba
    Dendroaspis polylepis – Zwarte mamba - black mamba - Schwarze Mamba
    Dendroaspis jamesoni kaimosea – Jameson’s zwartstaart mamba - Jamesons Black-Tail Mamba – Jameson schwarsschwanzmamba
    Naja haje haje – Aspis, Ureüsslang, egyptische cobra - Egyptian cobra - Uräusschlange
    Naja melanoleuca – Zwart-witte boscobra - Forest Cobra - Schwarzweißen Kobra
    Naja pallida – Spuwende cobra - Red Spitting Cobra - Die Rote Speikobra

    Nearby is an enclosure for;
    Heloderma suspectum – gilamonster - Gila monster - Die Gila-Krustenechse

    Another “U with snakes“;
    Naja mosambica – Mossambica spuwende cobra - Mozambique Spitting Cobra - Mozambique-Speikobra
    Naja nigricollis – Zwarthalscobra - Black-necked spitting cobra - afrikanische Speikobra
    Naja kaouthia – Monocle cobra (albino) - monocled cobra (albino) – Monokelkobra (albino)
    Naja naja – cobra - Asiatic cobra - Südasiatische Kobra
    Naja kaouthia – Monocle cobra - monocled cobra – Monokelkobra
    Naja siamensis – Siamese spuwende cobra - Indochinese Spitting Cobra - thailändische Speikobra
    Crotalus ruber – Rode diamantratelslang - Red Diamond Rattlesnake - roten Diamantklapperschlange
  2. Trebaruna

    Trebaruna Well-Known Member

    16 Nov 2007
    An example of the interior of such a snake-enclosure;

    then another one of this;
    Acanthophis antarcticus rugosus – Oostelijke doodsadder - Death Adder - Gewöhnliche Todesotter
    Acanthophis antarcticus laevis – Oostelijke doodsadder - Death Adder - Gewöhnliche Todesotter
    Aspidelaps lubricus – Schildcobra - Western Coral Cobra - Schildnasenkobra
    Atheris squamiger – Groene bosadder - Green Bush Viper - Grüne Buschviper
    Tiliqua scincoides chimaerea – Blauwtongskink - Silver Tanimbar Island Blue Tongue Skink - Sunda-Blauzungenskink
    Eublepharis macularius – Luipaardgekko - Leopard Gecko - Leopardgecko

    On the “non-snake-side” of the groundfloor are 2 large ponds;
    In the left Osteolaemus tetraspis – Breedvoorhoofdkrokodil - African Dwarf Crocodile - Stumpfkrokodil
    In the right one there was some turtle swimming but I couldn’t figure out what kind

    Back on the snake-side;
    Crotalus horridus atricaudatus – Bosratelslang - canebrake rattlesnake - Canebrake- Klapperschlange
    Crotalus viridis – Prairieratelslang - Western Rattlesnake - Westliche Klapperschlange
    Crotalus durissus marajoensis – Marajo Cascaval - Marajoan rattlesnake - Marajó-Schauerklapperschlange
    Crotalus basiliscus – Basiliek ratelslang – Mexican west coast rattlesnake - Mexikanische Westküsten Klapperschlange
    Crotalus atrox – Texaanse Ratelslang (+ albino) - Western Diamond-backed Rattlesnake (normal + albino) - Westliche Diamant-Klapperschlange (normal farben und albino)
    Crotalus durissus cumanensis – Venezolaanse cascaval - Venezuelan rattlesnake - Schauer-Klapperschlange
    Bothrops asper - Fer de Lance, Lanspuntslang – Teriopelo, Fer de lance - Terciopelo-Lanzenotter
    Agkistrodon acutus – Chinese neusslang - Agkistrodon Snake, bai hua she - Chinesische Nasenotter
    Agkistrodon contortrix – Koperkop – Copperhead - nordamerikanische Kupferkopf
    Hydrosaurus sp. – Zeilhagedis - Sailfin lizard - Segelechsen

    In the pond on the left;
    Trachemys scripta elegans – Roodwangsierschildpad - Red-Eared Slider - Rotwangenschmuckschildkröten + Graptemys pseudogeographica – Zaagrugschildpad - False Map Turtle - Höckerschildkröten + Sternotherus sp. – Muskusschildpad - Musk Turtle - Moschusschildkröte + Trachemys scripta troosti – Geelwangschildpad - Cumberland slider - Cumberland Schmuckschildkröte

    Next to the pond of crocodiles;
    Bombina orientalis – Koreaanse vuurbuikpad - Korean fire belly toad - Chinesische Rotbauchunke
    Python molurus bivittatus - Donkere tijgerpyhton (+ albino) - Burmese Python (normal + albino) - dunkle Tigerpython (normal farben + albino)
    Python reticulatus – Netpython - reticulated python - Netzpython
  3. Trebaruna

    Trebaruna Well-Known Member

    16 Nov 2007
    Behind these 2 large enclosures;
    Phyllobates terribilis – Pijlgifkikker - Golden Poison Frog - Schreckliche Pfeilgiftfrosch + Phelsuma klemmeri – Geelkopdaggekko - neon day gecko - blaue Bambustaggecko + Hyla arborea - Groene boomkikker - European Tree Frog - Europäische Laubfrosch
    Sistrurus miliarius barbouri – Dwergratelslang - Dusky Pygmy Rattlesnake - Gemeine Zwergklapperschlange
    Sistrurus catenatus – Massauga dwergratelslang - Massasauga Rattlesnake - Östliche Kettenzwergklapperschlange
    Vipera aspis ssp. – Aspis adder - Asp Viper - Aspisviper
    Vipera berus – Adder (melanistisch) – Northern viper - Kreuzotter
    Macrovipera lebetina turanica – Turan levantijnse adder - Turan blunt-nosed viper - Levanteotter
    Echis coloratus – Tapijt zaagschubadder - Palestine Saw-scaled Viper - Arabische Sandrasselotter
    Vipera latastei – Latastei’s adder - Lataste’s Viper - Stülpnasenotter

    Big enclosures for;
    Iguana iguana – Groene leguaan – green iguana - Grüner Leguan + Geochelone carbonaria – Kolenbranderschildpad - Red-footed tortoise - Köhlerschildkröte + tupinambis merianae - Argentijnse teju - Argentine Black and White Tegu - Der schwarz-weisse Teju
    ? A monitorlizard that was hiding under a treetrunk. There was no sign so I have no idea what it was
    Bitis gabonica rhinoceros – Gaboenadder - Western Gaboon viper - Gabunvipe
    Varanus salvator – Watervaraan - Water monitor lizard - Bindenwaran

    Then some small enclosures;
    Pandinus imperator – Keizerschorpioen - emperor scorpion - Kaiserscorpion
    Androctonus australis - Sahara schorpioen - Sahara Scorpion - Sahara-Skorpion, Nordafrikanischer Dickschwanzskorpion
    Euathlus boehmii – Mexicaanse roodbeen vogelspin - Mexican Fireleg tarantula - mexikanische Rotbein-Vogelspinne
    E. auratum – Hoogland roodknie vogelspin - mexican flame knee - Rotbein-Vogelspinne
    Cyclosternum fasciatum – Wespen vogelspin – Tigerrump - Rote Tigervogelspinne
    Hysterocrates gigas – Hercules vogelspin - Cameroon Red Baboon Spider - Afrikanische Riesenvogelspinne
    E. smithi – Mexicaanse roodknie vogelspin - Mexican redknee tarantula - Mexikanische Rotknie-Vogelspinne
    And some others that didn’t have a nametag ;)

    After that you go upstairs. Here a general overview;
  4. Trebaruna

    Trebaruna Well-Known Member

    16 Nov 2007
    To the left is;
    Testudo hermanni – Griekse landschildpad - Hermann's Tortoise - Griechischen Landschildkröte + Testudo horsfieldii – Vierteen landschildpad - Afghan tortoise - Steppenschildkröte + Testudo graeca – Moorse landschilpad - Greek Tortoise - Maurische Landschildkröte

    And right is;
    In the “tank” left Emys orbicularis – Europese moerasschildpad - European pond turtle - Europäischen Sumpfschildkröte
    And the enclosures on the right;
    Ophisaurus apodus – Scheltopusik - European Legless Lizard - Panzerschleiche
    Coluber jugularis – Pijlslang - Caspian Whipsnake - Pfeilnatter
    Elaphe quatuorlineata – Vierstreepslang - Four-lined snake - Vierstreifennatter
    E. scalaris – Ladderslang - Ladder snake - Treppennatter
    E. carinata – Gekielde aziatische rattenslang - King Ratsnake, Keeled Ratsnake - Stinknatter, Königskletternatter, Gekielte Kletternatter
    E. schrencki schrencki – Amoerslang - Amur Ratsnake - Armurnatter
    E. obsoleta quadrivittata – Gele rattenslang - yellow rat snake - Erdnatter gelbe Form
    E. guttata guttata – Maisslang – Common Corn Snake - Kornnatter
    Pituophis melanoleucus catenifer – Pacifische gopherslang, stierslang - Sonoran Gopher Snake - Pazifische Gophernatter

    Next are even more snakes;
    Lampropeltis triangulum sinaloae – Sinaloae melkslang - Sinaloan milk snake - Sinaloa-Dreiecksnatter
    L. triangulum campbelli – Pueblan pseudo-koraalslang - Pueblan milk snake - Puebla-Dreiecksnatter
    L. mexicana alterna – Grijs gebandeerde koningsslang - Gray-Banded Kingsnake - Graugebänderte Königsnatter
    L. getulus californiae – Koningsslang - California Kingsnake - Kalifornische Kettennatter
    Spalerosophis diadema – Diadeemslang - Diadem Snake - Diademnatter
    Gerrhosaurus major – Soedanese schildhagedis - Sudan plated lizard - Sudanschildechse

    In the middle you can look down into the 2 large pond on the ground floor;

    The last part of this floor includes some educational stuff and.. more snakes :)
    Boa constrictor constrictor – Roodstaartboa, tapijtboa, afgodsslang - boa constrictor - boa constrictor
    Python regius – Balpython, koningspython - ball python - Königspython
    Sanzinia madagascariensis – Madagascarboa - Madagascar Tree Boa - Madagaskar Hundskopfschlinger
    Eunectes notaeus – Gele anaconda - Yellow Anaconda - Gelbe Anakonda
    Thelotornis kirtlandii – Twijgslang - Twig Snake - Lianennatter
    Epicrates cenchria maura – Regenboogboa – kingsnake - Braune Regenbogen-Boa
    Epicrates angulifer – Cubaanse slanke boa - Cuban boa - Kuba Schlankboa
    Elaphe taeniura friesei – Streepstaartslang - Taiwan beauty snake - Taiwan Schönnatter
    Trachemys scripta elegans – Roodwangsierschildpad - Red-Eared Slider - Rotwangenschmuckschildkröten + Graptemys pseudogeographica – Zaagrugschildpad - False Map Turtle - Höckerschildkröten + Sternotherus sp. – Muskusschildpad - Musk Turtle - Moschusschildkröte + Trachemys scripta troosti – Geelwangschildpad - Cumberland slider - Cumberland Schmuckschildkröte
    Xenopus laevis – Klauwkikker (+ albino) - African clawed frog (also albino) - Glatte Krallenfrosch (auch albino)
    Bufo marinus – Reuzenpad - Cane toad - Aga-Kröte
  5. Trebaruna

    Trebaruna Well-Known Member

    16 Nov 2007
    When your on the ground floor again you enter the room with the crocodiles;
    Some are in terrible enclosures;
    Here 2 Osteolaemus tetraspis – Breedvoorhoofdkrokodil - African Dwarf Crocodile – Stumpfkrokodil on about 4 m2. However these were small and they would move to accompany their conspecifics in one of the large ponds when they were large enough…

    2 small Crocodylus johnsoni – Zoetwater krokodil - freshwater crocodile - Australien-Krokodil
    The other species in this room (not all have enclosures as bad as the ones I just showed. Those 2 were about the worst ones)
    Iguana iguana – Groene leguaan - green iguana - Grüner Leguan
    Chelydra serpentina – Bijtschildpad - Snapping Turtle - Schnappschildkröte
    Alligator mississippiensis - Mississippi alligator - American Alligator - Mississippi-Alligator
    Caiman yacare – Brilkaaiman, Yacarekaaiman - Yacare Caiman - Brillenkaiman
    Lasiodora parahybana – Tropische vogelspin - Brazilian salmon pink - Brasilianische Riesenvogelspinne
    Grammostola cala – Chileense vogelspin - Rose-haired tarantula - Rote Chile Vogelspinne
    Euathlus boehmii – Mexicaanse roodbeen vogelspin - Mexican Fireleg tarantula - mexikanische Rotbein-Vogelspinne
    Euathus sp. – Some black species of taratula
    Carettochelys insculpta – Nieuwguinese tweeklauw schildpad - Pig-Nosed Turtle - Papua-Weichschildkröte
    Cichlasoma nigrofasciatus – Zebra cichlide - zebra cichlid - Zebrabuntbarsch
    Shinisaurus crocodilurus – Krokodilstaarthagedis - Chinese crocodile lizard - Krokodilschwanzechse

    And that is all. The specieslist I gave is pretty much everything on display, only some spiders might be missing. So as you can see the collection is quite impressive, especially when it comes to venomous snakes. For people interested in reptiles, serpo is a “must do”, for all others it’s probably quite boring because it doesn’t look all that wonderful.

    I'll close with a picture of the coolest snake in serpo;
    The Thelotornis kirtlandii, Twig Snake

    More of my pictures of the animals; Flickr: Svarta änkan's Photostream (more still to come)

    Soon I’ll make a virtual tour about the other reptile zoo as well.
  6. Pedro

    Pedro Well-Known Member

    30 Oct 2007
    Paris, France
    Well, Trebaruna, that's what I call a very good report!!
    Now, as a snake lover (especially venomous), I'm highly jealous!!! How come we don't have such great reptilariums in Paris?! Grrrrrrr!!! :mad:
    Thanks for sharing your pics with us and you can be sure I will show up at Delft this year to visit that amazing place (although I must say some crocs enclosures look not good at all.. but anyways, the collection is too nice!!)
  7. Ned

    Ned Well-Known Member 10+ year member

    20 May 2009
    Is this place still open?

  8. lintworm

    lintworm Well-Known Member 15+ year member

    27 Oct 2008
    It has been closed for years now, but it is supposed to open again soon on a new location.
    Ned likes this.
  9. Ned

    Ned Well-Known Member 10+ year member

    20 May 2009
    Thanks. I read that it the intention to reopen it in 2019 but it seems safe to assume that won't happen now or any time soon.