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Zookeeper Interview please?

Discussion in 'New Member Introductions' started by bananapeel, 4 Mar 2007.

  1. bananapeel

    bananapeel New Member

    4 Mar 2007
    Fremont CA
    I am a highschooler in California. I would like to be a zookeeper, and I need to get this information for a school project. I would greatly appreciate any help.

    Is there a zookeeper that would be willing to do a five-minute interview?

    1. Where do you work?
    2. Summarize your typical work day.
    3. Where in the zoo do you usually work? What kinds of hours do you have?
    4.What are some things you like most about your job?
    5. What are some things you least like about your job?
    6. Do you have a college education or technical school training?
    7. In what ways do you find your job stressful?
    8. Do you need any special licenses or union membership?
    9. In what ways do you find your job satisfying?
    10. How do you relax in your offtime?
    11. How did you get started in your current position?
    12. What are some other related jobs you have held in this career field?
    13. Is there something else you would rather be doing instead of this job?
    14. Are you working toward additional advancement in your field?
    15. What recommendations would you make to a student who is considering your career field?
    Last edited: 4 Mar 2007
  2. ZooPro

    ZooPro Well-Known Member

    9 Mar 2006
    Sydney, Australia
    A few questions for you first! Who are you, where are you from, and what are you compiling this information for? You are more likely to get responsesif you provide this information up front.
  3. bananapeel

    bananapeel New Member

    4 Mar 2007
    Fremont CA
    I'm a highschooler in California. I'd like to be a zookeeper, and as we are doing a career unit at school, I'd like to find out more about this career.