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Zoo Wuppertal Zoo Wuppertal News

Discussion in 'Germany' started by kiang, 31 Jan 2009.

  1. rick04

    rick04 Member

    8 Oct 2019
    Next week I have plans to visit Zoo Wuppertal. Are there any buildings closed or are there any (special/rare) birds not visible? (because of the winter/cold)
  2. JurassicMax

    JurassicMax Well-Known Member

    16 Jul 2020
    The Netherlands
    Hugo28, Osedax and Antoine like this.
  3. KevinB

    KevinB Well-Known Member 5+ year member

    11 Apr 2015
    Unfortunately Wuppertal has an outbreak of cowpox in their peccary and meerkat groups, and in some of their big cats. Despite intensive treatment a few peccaries and meerkats have died. The infection is believed to have come in through infected feeder animals.

    Out of precaution the zoo's petting zoo will remain closed for the time being, the cat house will remain closed for monitor and care of animals.

    Although the cowpox virus can cause mild disease in humans, the zoo says there is no direct danger for visitors.

    The zoo will be vaccinating animals as much as possible, and will continue monitoring and treatment of animals.

    Grüner Zoo Wuppertal

    Kuhpocken-Ausbruch im Wuppertaler Zoo
    JurassicMax and PossumRoach like this.
  4. Jarne

    Jarne Well-Known Member

    31 May 2020
    Only one great cat has been infected thus far, a female clouded leopard (Ambika) who has died from the infection. The latter is mentioned in a reaction by the zoo on FB.
    JurassicMax and KevinB like this.
  5. JurassicMax

    JurassicMax Well-Known Member

    16 Jul 2020
    The Netherlands
    Earlier this month a second male Southern pudu (Pudu puda) moved to Aralandia, he was born in Wuppertal last year.

    Last year 500 Moorean viviparous tree snails (Partula tohiveana) arrived from Zoo Schwerin, they have now also bred in Wuppertal resulting in a total of 700 tree snails at the zoo.

    Earlier this month 4 year old male Mishmi takin (Budorcas taxicolor taxicolor) Bono arrived from Tierpark Berlin. In Wuppertal he will live together with 3 females, who are already present at the zoo.

    Recently a new species arrived at the zoo, namely 10 Golden poison frogs (Phyllobates terribilis). According to ZTL they came from Zoo Zürich.

    A few days ago female Eurasian forest reindeer (Rangifer tarandus fennicus) Orvokki (*2022) arrived from Korkeasaari Zoo to accompany the already present male.

    Instagram of Zoo Wuppertal (01/03/2024)
    Instagram of Zoo Wuppertal (13/03/2024)
    Instagram of Zoo Wuppertal (15/03/2024)
    Instagram of Zoo Wuppertal (18/03/2024)
    Instagram of Zoo Wuppertal (21/03/2024)
    Antoine, Hugo28 and Osedax like this.
  6. KevinB

    KevinB Well-Known Member 5+ year member

    11 Apr 2015
    Zoo Wuppertal intends to expand its elephant exhibit.

    For this purpose the babirusas will move to a space near the bird house, at the current location of the pudu and red-crowned crane exhibits near the bird house. This project, "Rivers of Sulawesi", will include a viewable indoor exhibit in what is currently the free-flight hall of the bird house. The zoo wants to mix the babirusas with Asian small-clawed otters (although that species does not occur on Sulawesi).

    And the Bennett wallabies will move to the area of the current dik-dik exhibit and former vulture/seriema aviary near the okapis. The existing stables will be adapted for the wallabies. The new wallaby exhibit will be partially walk-through.

    Grüner Zoo Wuppertal
  7. lintworm

    lintworm Well-Known Member 15+ year member

    27 Oct 2008
    So they are ditching their most unique exhibit, the S-American freeflight for an indoor babirusa exhibit.... Talking about own goals...
  8. Daniel Sörensen

    Daniel Sörensen Birdlover Premium Member 5+ year member

    9 Nov 2018
    Yesterday, I visited Zoo Wuppertal for the first time, and I must say it was sadly quite disappointing. We arrived without checking the website first, only to discover upon arrival that both cat houses and the Amazon house were closed because of cowpox — which was also stated on a sign by the entrance to the park. Understandable, but this sadly resulted in us not seeing any other cats than tigers, so no Indian leopard, no Asian golden cat, and no Gordon's wild cat.

    The birdhouse was a focal point for us, yet there was no indication of its closure online or at the park entrance. Nevertheless, we were met with closed doors to most of it, with only the free-flight section accessible. A conversation with a zookeeper revealed that the remainder of the birdhouse was basically permanently closed due to it not being worth keeping going anymore with heating, etc. He also told us that the two old Vermillion flycatchers are off show, and that silver-throated tanager no longer is kept at the park.
    The Pacific eider (the last on show in Europe) was nowhere to be seen either, and Zootierliste does not mention where in the park it is or where it used to be kept.

    In addition to these disappointments, we were unable to spot the yellow-backed duiker, and the Baird's tapir seems to be kept behind the scenes right now because it is infected with cowpox (according to someone on Facebook).

    Though we missed many of the animals we hoped to see, there were still some fortunate sightings, such as the Pacific hornero, Bay-headed tanager, African pygmy-goose, Golden-backed weaver, Eastern chipmunk, and Rana-de Arbol de San Martin frog.

    Because of all this, we were done with the park relatively fast and decided to make the most of the day and also visit Duisburg Zoo the same day for some more animal sightings. Despite the setbacks, I'm looking forward to returning to Zoo Wuppertal in the future, hoping for better timing and more exhibits to be open.

    I'm mostly writing here to advise other people to wait some time before visiting the park, especially if you are looking forward to any of these species! :)
    Last edited: 30 Mar 2024
  9. Jarne

    Jarne Well-Known Member

    31 May 2020
    The Pacific eider is/was kept with the rest of the waterfowl, there is only a female left which is not as easy to identify as there is also a pair of European eider in the same exhibit.
  10. Daniel Sörensen

    Daniel Sörensen Birdlover Premium Member 5+ year member

    9 Nov 2018
    I did hear yesterday from someone that the Pacific eider is not kept anymore at Wuppertal, so that's probably the case sadly.
    There were no normal eiders in the duck pond either during my visit.
  11. Jarne

    Jarne Well-Known Member

    31 May 2020
    That explains, I did not see her either during my last visit in November.
  12. Haliaeetus

    Haliaeetus Well-Known Member

    14 Mar 2021
    Orléans, France
    The female Snow Leopard ADITI died too.
    Der Grüne Zoo Wuppertal on Instagram: "Abschied von Schneeleopardin Aditi Leider müssen wir euch mitteilen, dass unsere Schneeleopardin "Aditi" am Ostersonntag, dem 31. März, trotz intensiver veterinärmedizinischer Behandlung an den Folgen einer Infektion mit dem Kuhpockenvirus gestorben ist. Wie bereits berichtet, gab es im Grünen Zoo Wuppertal bei einigen Tiergruppen einen Ausbruch von Kuhpocken, die durch zugekaufte Futtertiere eingetragen wurden. Bedauerlicherweise kam es dabei auch zu Todesfällen. In so kurzer Zeit trotz bester veterinärmedizinischer Versorgung mehrere Tiere an das Kuhpockenvirus verloren zu haben, ist für den Grünen Zoo und die Erhaltungszuchtprogramme besonders tragisch. Gegen Kuhpocken gibt es aktuell keine ursächliche Therapie. Durchgeführt werden lediglich eine symptomatische Behandlung sowie Antibiotikagaben zur Abwehr bakterieller Begleitinfektionen. Inzwischen wurden fast alle Säugetiere im Grünen Zoo gegen das Kuhpockenvirus geimpft. "Aditi" gehörte zu den ersten Tieren, die die Impfung erhielten. Leider hatte sich die fast 12-jährige Schneeleoparden-Katze zu diesem Zeitpunkt bereits mit dem Virus infiziert. "Aditi" wurde am 4. Mai 2012 im Grünen Zoo Wuppertal geboren. Da ihre Mutter sechs Wochen nach der Geburt unerwartet an einem Herz-Kreislaufversagen starb, wurden "Aditi" und ihre beiden Wurfschwestern liebevoll vom Tierpflegeteam aufgezogen. Im Juni 2016 brachte "Aditi" selbst drei Jungtiere zur Welt, die heute in verschiedenen europäischen Zoos leben, und leistete damit einen wichtigen Beitrag zum EAZA Ex-Situ-Zuchtprogramm der Schneeleoparden (EEP). Vater des Nachwuchses ist der Schneeleoparden-Kater "Irbis", der nach "Aditis" Tod nun vorerst alleine im Grünen Zoo lebt. In Abstimmung mit dem EEP wird entschieden, wie es zukünftig mit der Haltung und Zucht von Schneeleoparden im Grünen Zoo Wuppertal weitergeht. Wir hoffen sehr, dass das Kuhpocken-Infektionsgeschehen durch die Impfung nun eingedämmt wird und keine weiteren Erkrankungsfälle mehr auftreten. Foto & Text: Claudia Philipp . . . . . . #zoowuppertal #dergruenezoowuppertal #grünerzoowuppertal #wuppertalerzoo #diebergischendrei #tierisch #schneeleopard #kuhpocken #irbis"
    JurassicMax likes this.
  13. Haliaeetus

    Haliaeetus Well-Known Member

    14 Mar 2021
    Orléans, France
    Birth of a (large) litter of 0.0.7 Red River Hogs.
    Der Grüne Zoo Wuppertal on Instagram: "Nachwuchs bei den Pinselohrschweinen Unser erfahrenes Pinselohrschwein-Zuchtpaar "Sissi" und "Eberhart" hat erneut für Nachwuchs gesorgt. Inmitten der gesamten Rotte wurden am 8. April sieben Jungtiere geboren – ein außergewöhnlich großer Wurf. Normalerweise bringen Pinselohrschweine ein bis vier, in seltenen Fällen bis zu sechs Ferkel zur Welt. Eines der Jungtiere ist leider im Alter von zwei Tagen gestorben, die restlichen sechs Ferkel entwickeln sich bisher gut. Bei solch einem Rekordwurf von sieben Jungtieren ist es nicht ungewöhnlich, dass nicht alle Ferkel die ersten Wochen überleben. Als sogenannte Nestflüchter konnten die jungen Pinselohrschweine bereits kurz nach der Geburt ihrer Mutter folgen. Seit zwei Tagen erkunden die Jungtiere auch die Außenanlage und sind somit für Zoogäste zu sehen. Die gesamte Rotte, die nun aus insgesamt 15 Tieren besteht, kann sich allerdings jederzeit in die nicht einsehbaren Innenstallungen zurückziehen. Das natürliche Verbreitungsgebiet der Pinselohrschweine sind die Wälder, Savannen und Sümpfe West- und Zentralafrikas. Namensgebend für diese Schweineart sind die pinselartigen Haarbüschel an ihren langen, spitzen Ohren. Fotos & Text: Claudia Philipp . . . . . . #zoowuppertal #dergrünezoowuppertal #wuppertalmarketing #dergruenezoowuppertal #grünerzoowuppertal #wuppertalerzoo #diebergischendrei #tierisch #Pinselohrschwein #ferkel #rekordwurf"
    JurassicMax and Osedax like this.
  14. JurassicMax

    JurassicMax Well-Known Member

    16 Jul 2020
    The Netherlands
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  15. JurassicMax

    JurassicMax Well-Known Member

    16 Jul 2020
    The Netherlands
    At the end of last month 1-year old male Grant`s zebra (Equus quagga boehmi) Tano was send to Zoo Leśne Zacisze.

    Sadly two of the young passed away, the other 5 young have recently been sexed, two males and 3 females.

    Two days ago she was send to Zoo Magdeburg.

    Instagram of Zoo Wuppertal (26/04/2024)
    Instagram of Zoo Wuppertal (29/04/2024)
    Instagram of Zoo Wuppertal (04/05/2024)
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