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Brookfield Zoo Map, 1980

This map is from a guidebook and possibly subject to copyright; if the moderators feel it is safer to delete it, do so, but hoping it is old enough to not be of concern.

Brookfield Zoo Map, 1980
JVM, 26 Aug 2022
    • birdsandbats
      AHHH MY EYES! Those bright colors make the text really difficult to read and the map is ultimately not pleasant to the eyes at all. Glad they redid this.
    • JVM
      Some notes:
      • Tropic World was under construction at this time and not open to the public; the relevant animals were still at Primate House. The guidebook includes a description of the exhibit plans (which at this point was only primates) and some construction photos.
      • Siberian Ibex were housed at both The Mountain and the Ridge, separated between these locations when outside breeding season, as mentioned in the guidebook. They are not different species exhibits.
      • The original dolphinarium was located in the southwest corner, with other small aquatic tanks inside the building and the pinniped exhibits outside. This was changed in the 1980s. I notice some on zoochat believe the current dolphinarium is the same building as the original but it is not.
      • Okapi were included in the Giraffe House, not Hoofed Animals at this time.
      I am tempted to list other differences but species stuff is probably best for the forum.

      @birdsandbats It is slightly less bright in person if it helps I had to saturate the colors a little for better display here. Definitely glad they switched away from pink though.
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