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Montane Guineapigs

Montane Guineapigs
    • Giant Eland
      @ThylacineAlive curious what confiscated primate species at what rescue centers? At least any that aren't at other collections in Europe?
    • ThylacineAlive
      @Giant Eland iirc Monkey World has some non-(sub)specific capuchins and gibbons that morphologically appear to be pure and most likely are since they're wild-born confiscations but since they've never been DNA tested ztl won't recognize them.* This is all from one conversation I had some time ago so I don't recall specifics or if that is even all correct.

      *This is understandable but at the same time they will routinely accept additions that are pretty insane on word alone. For example there was a Hispaniolan Solenodon listed at a German zoo earlier this year for a little while for some reason and they accepted that. Then of course there is the infamous Pichi Armadillo that a certain member on here insisted was at Lakeland(?) and ztl refused to remove that despite there being no evidence.

    • Andrew Swales

      ....and they still haven't done anything about the individuals who keep deleting species from UK collections on the basis they aren't listed on the zoo websites or were not on-show when the individuals in question visited, even though I have explicitly told them (in person!) who at least one of these individuals is.

      Our ZTL listings seem to never be quite accurate, possibly for this very reason...
    • TeaLovingDave
      @Andrew Swales

      Most likely; I try to keep on top of the problem and revert incorrect edits I notice have been made to collections, but it's an uphill battle when the administrators of the site a) don't do anything to prevent the edits and b) sometimes remove my corrections :p

      @Giant Eland

      As Thylo notes, there are more than a few wild-caught rescues at Monkey World which are listed as species-level hybrids on ZTL, which based on appearance and place of origin are almost certainly not only pure, but represent species/subspecies otherwise absent from European collections.
    • ThylacineAlive
      Or in the case of Walsrode, assume everything is living extraordinarily long lives in their limited bts space. Funny how even when the collection themselves said the Storm's Storks had died and the Lesser BOPs had gone, it still took multiple attempts to get the edits to stick, not to mention I had to fight to keep a species removed that was reported as having been seen exactly one time in 2005 and then never again...

    • ThylacineAlive
      Spoke to someone friends with those at the zoo today, he confirmed that these are mislabeled Brazilian Guineapigs, C. aperea. The zoo's stock descends from a 2013 import from Uruguay so these should be subspecies level, though I'm not sure which one is from Uruguay.

      Chlidonias likes this.
    • Chlidonias
      @ThylacineAlive as per Patton's Mammals of South America the subspecies in Uruguay is C. a. pamparum.
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