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Shubenacadie Wildlife Park Shubenacadie Provincial Wildlife Park News

Discussion in 'Canada' started by Yi Qi, 3 Nov 2019.

  1. Yi Qi

    Yi Qi Well-Known Member

    24 Feb 2018
    Mississauga, Ontario, Canada
    Kifaru Bwana likes this.
  2. Smaggledagle

    Smaggledagle Well-Known Member

    25 May 2020
    Rhode Island
    2022 News:

    On January 11th, the zoo announced they acquired a (0.1) cougar from Two Rivers Wildlife Park in Nova Scotia.

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    On May 19th, the zoo announced that a (0.0.1) Rocky Mountain bighorn sheep was born.

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    On June 2nd, the zoo announced that (0.0.2) red-tailed hawks were hatched a few weeks prior.

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    On June 8th, the zoo announced they acquired a (0.0.1) giant African land snail, which was later named Snart.

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    On June 9th, the zoo announced that a (0.0.2) Rocky Mountain bighorn sheep were born, with one born the week prior.

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    On July 9th, the zoo announced that due to avian influenza, they moved their Indian peafowl off the facility.

    On August 19th, the zoo announced that they built a new exhibit for their osprey, which is now on exhibit next to the peregrine falcon in the Black Bear Loop area.

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    On September 24th, the zoo announced that due to hurricane Ian, the facility lost power and sustained damage. Though the zoo didn't lose any of its animals, it didn't reopen till October 4th.

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